Chapter 5

CS 103 Applications


Many of the devices that you use every day are controlled by computers. The Electronic Control Module (ECM) in your automobile oversees that fuel mixture and timing functions of the engine. Your microwave oven, DVD player, cell phone, and PDA are controlled by a computer. These are all computers programmed to perform a single function. The PC, Mac, or Sun machines that sit on your desktop are general purpose machines. They can be reprogrammed to perform a variety of functions: simulations, games, word processing, spreadsheets, database management, etc. The software modules that are used to reprogram a general purpose computer are called Applications. Applications are created by programmers using a variety of programming languages. (Some examples of these languages appear in the graphic at the left.) In this unit you will concentrate on a single useful application - the spreadsheet.


Lesson 1 - Introduction to Applications

Lesson 2 - Spreadsheets: The Basics

Lesson 3 - Spreadsheets: Making Decisions & Charting

Lesson 4 - Spreadsheets: Some Advanced Topics

  1. To define the term Application as it relates to computers and to name several common applications.
  2. To set up a spreadsheet with appropriate headings, data, and formulae when given a list of specifications
  3. To properly enter the if function into one or more spreadsheet cells.
  4. To display charts with appropriate headings and labels from selected spreadsheet data.
