Collection Scripts for faculty and graders.

Collecting homework

  1. on the Suns type:
         newgrp csXXX
    where csXXX is the designation of the course (specifically the group name). This command will create a new shell, which you will have to exit later.
  2. Run cvscollect
         cvscollect csXXX assignment userfile destination
    where csXXX is the designation for your class. assignment is the name of the subfolder the students put their assignments in (and presumably turned in) e.g. hmwk3, Project1, lab7. userfile is the file containing your students' user names and destination is the directory to place the submissions.

    For example:

         cvscollect cs111 hmwk1 cs111-a-roster grading
    will create the directory grading with sub directories of the form: grading/cs111/user/hmwk1 which will contain the user's files. There will be one directory for each username in the file: cs111-a-roster
  3. Type
    to exit the shell created by newgrp.

Preliminaries (setting up groups)

  1. Log into turing as root
  2. edit /etc/group
  3. add your user name and the user name of any graders to the group for your class.
  4. type: cd /var/yp
  5. type: make group

Creating a class.

  1. Create a file containing the user names of all of your students, one per line (you will use this all semester).
  2. log in as root.
  3. Run cvsclass
         cvsclass csXXX model-dir userfile
    where csXXX is the designation for your course. model-dir is a directory containing files and directories you would like the students to have. You can use /Courses/general/template if you want a standard setup or /Courses/general/empty for a single empty directory. You can also make your own. userfile is the name of the file you created above.

Creating a single user.

  1. log in as root.
  2. Run cvsclass
         cvsuser csXXX model-dir username
    where csXXX is the designation for your course. model-dir is a directory containing files and directories you would like the students to have. You can use /Courses/general/template if you want a standard setup or /Courses/general/empty for a single empty directory. You can also make your own. username is the name of the user whose archive you need to create.

Last modified: Mon Aug 30 11:36:54 2004