Using JDE and emacs


Create a file called .emacs in your home directory. It should contain the following. This also contains the settings for using JDEbug for the debugger.

;; put jde in the load path
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/usr/local/share/emacs/jde-2.2.2/lisp"))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/usr/local/share/emacs/semantic-1.2.1"))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/usr/local/share/emacs/speedbar-0.12"))

(require 'jde)

;;some custom variables
 '(jde-run-option-properties (quote (("java.compiler" . "none"))))
 '(jde-compile-option-depend t)
 '(jde-run-applet-viewer "/usr/java1.2/bin/appletviewer")
 '(jde-compile-option-debug (quote ("all" (t t t))))
 '(jde-bug-jdk-directory "/usr/java1.2")
 '(jde-db-source-directories (quote ("./")))
 '(jde-db-debugger (quote ("JDEbug" "jdb" . "Executable")))
 '(jde-bug-jpda-directory "/Apps/jpda"))

You will also need to update a file called .cshrc in your home directory. If you haven't defined LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your .cshrc you add the following line:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /Apps/jpda/lib/sparc

If LD_LIBRARY_PATH is defined then the line should look like this:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /Apps/jpda/lib/sparc:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

Make sure that the file .cshrc ends with a blank line.

General emacs notes

To run emacs on an X-Window display on one of the suns type:

  emacs &

Emacs has all the basic functionality of a standard text editor when used from an X-Window console. Cursor movement is controlled by the arrow keys, and all of the common commands are included in menus (Open, Save, Cut, Paste, Undo, etc.). Emacs can be run from a vt100 terminal (i.e via telnet or ssh) using the command:

  emacs -nw
The nw stands for no windows. This mode is not recommended if you are not familiar with keyboard shortcuts in emacs.

The mini-buffer is the single row of white space at the bottom of the emacs frame. When you use any menu that requires extra information (e.g. "Open File..."), you will be prompted for it in the mini-buffer.

If you find yourself prompted for something in the mini-buffer and you want to get out, hit C-g (hold down the Control (Ctrl) key and press the g key). You may need to do this more than once.

Resource links

Last modified: Thu Sep 28 10:36:31 Eastern Daylight Time 2000