NeXT Classic Icons Collection r1.55 - Adapted from the classic icons for the NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP for Mach OS. (NeXT, NeXTSTEP, and OPENSTEP are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.) A collection of mainly 48x48 8 bit icons for Windows Created and adapted by Ric ( Dec. 1998 - Oct. 2000 All original artwork and design Copyright ©1998-2000 Ric (Richard A. Sharma). All rights reserved. Commercial use in any way, shape or form whatsoever, including but not limited to commercial distribution in any form and by any means whatsoever, either wholly or in part, without express written permission of the author prohibited. Commercial distribution includes but is not limited to distribution in any way or form and by any means whatsoever by any commercial organisation EVEN WHEN THE THEME, SKIN OR OTHER ARTWORK SUCH AS ICONS AND ICON SETS OR THEMES ARE NOT CHARGED FOR. Archival storage and distribution by e.g. customisation archive web sites, inc. but not limited to such archives maintained by customisation application program vendors, without express written authorization by the author/ artist, is prohibited. Re-distribution even for personal private use of any individual components or constituent parts by themselves is prohibited. This skin/personality/theme/icon/icon set or other artwork is NOT public domain, nor "open source", nor any kind of freeware, nor released under any kind of free license such as the GPL. It is at present made available for free use, ONLY and exclusively for personal, private use only when used with the application program it is designed for, and may be withdrawn from such free use at any time at the author's/artist's sole discretion. RE-USE OR "BORROWING" OF ANY PART AND/OR ANY COMPONENT OF THIS SKIN, THEME, PERSONALITY, ICON, ICON SET OR OTHER ARTWORK OR DESIGN *EVEN WHEN CREDITING THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR/ARTIST*, IS A VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND IS *NOT* PERMITTED! IF YOU WISH TO PORT OR ADAPT THIS SKIN, THEME, PERSONALITY, ICON, ICON SET OR OTHER ARTWORK OR DESIGN TO ANOTHER FORMAT, YOU MUST ASK THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S/ARTIST'S PERMISSION IN WRITING *FIRST*. The author/artist accepts no responsibility or liability of any kind in respect of any use of this skin/theme/icon/icon set or other artwork and no guarantee or warranty of any kind either express or implied is made, including but not limited to fitness for purpose, and this skin/theme/icon/icon set or other artwork is provided "as is". For use ONLY with Windows operating systems, and icon assignment/replacement utilities that *DO NOT CREATE THEMES* and/or other reproduceable icon replacement/assignment records and/or recompile icons into any form of .ico, .icl, .dll, or any other kind of icon collection. You may *NOT* change/adapt/port any of the icons in any way, shape, or form, including but not limited to changing sizes and/or colour depth, without the author's/artist's EXPRESS WRITTEN *PRIOR* PERMISSION, even for personal, private use! You MAY use the icons with utilities such as ActiveIcon and others that like ActiveIcon do not create any kind of permanent "theme" and/or other record. The icons MAY also be used with WinBrowser, NextSTART 2.x/ WorkShelf/NeXus, HoverDesk, and IconDock, but solely for your own personal private use and *NOT* for creation and/or distribution of any kind of theme, skin, or other customisation. If you wish to use any of these icons in any of the ways prohibited, you *MUST* obtain EXPRESS WRITTEN *PRIOR* PERMISSION from the author/artist! All trademarks/registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. All trademarks acknowledged. Icons mainly adapted from the original NeXT icons and third party NeXT application icons by Ric, all adaptations and design Copyright ©2000 Ric (Richard A. Sharma). All rights reserved. Some of the icons never existed originally under the NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP operating systems and were specially created, mostly from parts of existing original NeXT icons, often in the form of collages (a good example is the icon black_Configure-app_48-256.ico - the "black" NeXT icons were only in use *prior* to the OS being ported to non-NeXT (M68K) hardware, to the best of my knowledge up to versions 2.x of NeXTSTEP; the "" icon was only introduced with the port of the OS to Intel etc., as was the app itself which was/is not needed on NeXT hardware); all such adaptations/collages and design Copyright ©2000 Ric (Richard A. Sharma). All rights reserved. Original NeXT icons Copyright © Keith Ohlfs/ Apple Computer, Inc. The NeXT logo Copyright © Keith Ohlfs/Apple Computer, Inc., is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All original third party application icons Copyright © their respective owners. Please note that for best effect, you should use these icons with a colour scheme that matches the original NeXT tonal values, such as those found in the NeXT Classic WindowBlinds and NextSTART/WorkShelf skins/ themes by the same author. This icon collection is divided into several sections, each in its own folder; System Icons, Cursors, File Types, EUI, OSE, WO4-NT (WebObjects 4 Win NT), misc, and 3rd Party apps. System Icons includes all NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP system icons, developer tools etc. icons, and icons of other apps/utils bundled with the OS. They also include almost all of the older, original "black" system icons that were in use prior to the OS being ported to non-NeXT (M68K) hardware, i.e., Intel, Sparc, and HP-PA, as well as the original Black Hole recycler icons that were dropped around about NeXTSTEP 2.0. Cursors and File Types contain system cursors and file type icons, respectively (so what did you expect, Swiss Cheese?! ;-P ). EUI contains the to the best of my knowledge only three icons shown with the NeXT 4 EUI, that were dropped along with the rest of the EUI (and then re-appeared in Rhapsody/MOSXS), replacements for the and File Viewer/, and changed briefly into; the fourth icon in this folder, Black_Preferences-app*.ico, never existed in any way, shape or form AFAIK, and is a "black icons" version of the EUI icon. OSE consists of (some of the) icons from OPENSTEP Enterprise for Windows and Solaris, where they are distinct from their Mach counterparts; these include system/ app icons, file type icons, as well as app icons of third party apps for OSE. WO4-NT consists of icons from WebObjects 4 for NT. Misc contains a variety of icons that are of uncertain origin/replacement icons/own replacement icons/anything that does not neatly fit into the other categories. 3rd Party Apps contains icons of many of the third party applications for NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP. Currently, all icons are generally 8 bit (i.e., 256 colour) (with a very few exceptions), and mostly in their original sizes ONLY. System and app icons on NS/OS are predominantly 48x48 pixels. However, many of the icons in this collection are used internally by applications and are therefore often a variety of other sizes. Some of this last type have been trimmed where the size was unnecessarily large (i.e., large transparent surround), some where feasible have been adapted to 48x48 pixels. There is little to be gained from creating 24 bit versions of the NeXT icons, since in almost all cases the colour space above 256 colours is only used for transparent shades in NeXT icons which in any case Windows does not support. (One of the few exceptions are e.g. the various "*Suitcase" icons used within ProjectBuilder, but even here the difference between 8 bit and 24 bit is not that great.) Inevitably, this collection is not a complete one of every icon that's ever been designed or used under 'STEP. Many have been left out, mainly icons that are used only internally by certain apps (and that would be, in the main, used as .bmp bitmaps under Windows), and a lot of icons of third party 'STEP apps that either I don't have or just haven't got around to working on yet. However, I will endeavour to update and extend this collection as and when possible. Inevitably too, there no doubt will be the odd few icons with minor mistakes, e.g., transparency where it shouldn't be or no transparency where it ought to be. With all the more important icons, I have used masking techniques to aid in deciding transparency issues (complicated as NeXT icons use extensive transparency blending), as well as displaying the original tiff icon both normally and in an icon editor on an adjacent NeXT system; however, these techniques are far too involved and time consuming to use on every single icon, unfortunately. Likewise inevitably, there will have been some duplication of icons, e.g. where the same icon or icons is/are used by more than one app or different parts of the system, although I have tried to keep this to a minimum. Several icon themes compiled and adapted from this collection, including for Stardock's IconPackager, are also in preparation. Conversions of this icon collection to other formats inc. .xpm/.pm for Unix desktop environments such as CDE, and XFree X11 window managers, and OS/2 .ico, are also planned or in preparation. The NeXT icons represent the zenith of icon design, both in terms of ergonomics and aesthetics. Previous "ports" or adaptations of NeXT icons to other platforms have IMO often been something of an abomination and an insult to the genius of their creator, Keith Ohlfs, or at best don't do proper justice to the beauty and subtlety of his creations. The adaptations included here, for the first time outside of NeXT show these icons in their true tonal values and range. Unfortunately, the Windows icon display system does not support transparency blending (i.e., under Windows, a given part of an icon either is fully transparent, or it is not). NeXT icons OTOH make extensive use of this, especially in the highlights and shadows of the images. Consequently, any conversion or adaptation is regrettably doomed to lose a lot of the subtlety of the NeXT originals. I have endeavoured to achieve the best/most acceptable compromise in re: of such highlights and shadows, but it is practically impossible to always succeed in this. Nonetheless it is my sincere hope that my efforts are a worthy tribute to Keith Ohlfs. I am also working on adapting a complete set of Rhapsody/MacOS X Server icons. Unfortunately, I can't get MacOS X Server/Intel to play along with my current NIC, and as the MOSXS/Intel filesystem is compatible with neither the original NeXT filesystem nor the MOSXS PPC one, I can no longer transfer data from my MOSXS/Intel system to other platforms and consequently have some of my MOSXS icon collection stuck there. If you should have access to (or know somebody who has access to) a networked Rhapsody DR2/MOSXS Intel box and would be willing to transfer some files off a floppy for me, I would be grateful if you could kindly contact me by email at the address below. Alternatively, if you have a set of Rhapsody/MacOS X Server icons (the *original tiffs* that is) and would be willing to share these, again I would be grateful if you could kindly contact me by email. I am also always interested in any third party application etc. NeXT and MacOS X Server icons (original tiffs). Other icon collections and/or themes planned and/or in preparation include OS/2 Warp, Solaris CDE, BeOS, QNX RTP, Solaris OpenWindows, and several original icon sets. Matching themes for the WinSTEP suite (NS/WS), WindowBlinds, HoverDesk, WinAMP, Chroma, EuroCalculator, and Poco, also named NeXT Classic, as well as a matching EUI theme/skin suite, named NeXT-EUI Classic and covering the same applications, by the same author are also available or in preparation. If you like this icon set or find a problem with it, please drop me a note at Thanks, Ric =========================================== r1.55 - Released 2000/12/11 Added: numerous system and third-party app icons, inc. WebObjects 4/NT, EOModeler, and others previously omitted (more to catch up on still!) Changed: Corrected a few errors r1.5 - Released 2000/10/21 First public release.