Welcome to The Iconoweb
- A graphics collection devoted to the 32x32 icon & the art of Iconography
The Iconolog has been updated, maintenance was overdue & I apologise to anyone inconvenienced in the interim.
The Iconolog was originally housed on iconolog.net, it is no longer connected in any way to this domain, or almost any way, the domain is still using, without permission, The Iconolog favicon
Online midnight 31 December, 1995
.GIF collection
- The Best of The Iconolog
The ongoing collection in .gif format, now 7419 icons.
.ICO collection
- The original windows collection
22,963 icons in .ico format, win 16 color palette, no long file/directory names
Recycled Icons
- Recent additions to the collection in gif format
The major criteria for addition to the collection are that the icon portrays something not already present or that it is the work of an iconographer not yet represented.
Color Palette.
Spotlight Links
Site to Site
- Icon sites on the web.
The Iconolog GIF collection
- Category Index: An example icon from every display category of The Iconolog. Intended to give some indication of the range & sources of the collection & the method of display.
The Iconolog Slideshow
- Display pages using animated gifs to flick through the .GIF collection.
Iconoweb Icon Exhibition Hall.
- ¤ adapted by afactor.
- ¤ Anthony's Icon Library.
- ¤ The Coffee Cantata.
- ¤ Icons by Colin Mummery.
- ¤ Icons by David Edwards.
- ¤ Kenichi Kasho.
- ¤ Laura McCanna.
- ¤ Mark's Icon Vault.
- ¤ Musashis Cat Inn.
Icon Ascii.
![[ Turn The Iconolog display screen off ]](gifs/gifs/p_off.gif)