A little further along, the passage curves around & down. From deep within the cragged rocks above the entrance to the next chamber, two green eyes open & then snap shut. The black hollows in the dark shadows left by their absence are almost more disturbing than the baneful glare. The surrounding rock seem to form the shape of a skull, just shadows, you tell yourself. Somewhere ahead of you is the sound of running water.
The path leads inexorably down beneath the eyes. You take a few tentative steps but the surface is slippery & your feet slide from under, carrying you to where the path comes to an abrupt end. You grab at the sides of the tunnel but to no avail, the walls are smooth & the momentum of your movement carries you over edge into a river below.

Dated: 30 June 1996
Updated: 23 January 2007
© information : Browser notes.
Ascii skull : effepi -s199473@studenti.ing.unipi.it
§ adapted by afactor