Icons and Their Meaning
W3C Logo and Icon
Usage page for information about W3C logos.
Icon Design | Referencing Icons |
Absolute Icons | Relative Icons
| Warnings etc. | Alumni |
Member Icons
Oct 95: Infuriated by finding documents containing obsolete icons, I have
moved them into "unused" in the hope that the MOMspider will catch them and
the miscreants will be plagued by messages. - Tim
(This is mostly to try and prevent Henrik from making any more stupid icons)
Currently, to add consistency to our house style, icons are all made from
the 9 simple colors of the W3C logo (not just any RGB but those RGB colors).
Icons are simple drawings, filled rather than line. We will stick to this
style unless we have a general style rethink.
No borders
Icons should not have borders. This means you have explicitly (in HTML) set
border=none as an attribute to IMG. Get rid of those blue squares!
Set the ALT tag!
Don't forget this!
Use Content Negotiation
Don't add the ".gif" or ".png" suffix so that the server
can pick
These icons are under
the copyright of the W3C. They can be used by others, but only if
they are used in referring to the appropriate part of the
W3C web site.
NOTE: Remember the ALT tags as included below. For unlucky
GUI clients where the ALT tags are not shown, I have included them
in as normal text.
This is the current W3C icon, ALT="W3C"
This is the current W3C Member site icon, ALT="Member
The World Wide Web. Now used to refer to historical subjects and areas of
interest about the WWW itself, not the W3C or its activities.
Mailing lists and addresses related to WWW, ALT="Mail"
Activity areas and directions of the W3C, alt="Activities"
Reference Library, ALT="libwww"
Line Mode Browser, ALT="LineMode"
Command Line Tool, ALT="ComLine"
Mini Robot, ALT="Robot"
The HTML language: specifications, etc. ALT="HTML"
W3C Technical Reports and Draft Specifications ALT="Technical Reports"
Press, ALT="Press"
HTTP Information, ALT="HTTP"
HTTP Information, ALT="HTTP-NG"
These can be used anywhere to point to related information of a specific
type. They are all (c)MIT/W3C
Information marked as historical; out-of-date, but still kept in case of
interest or archival purposes, ALT="Historical" Always include the
Note: This information is out-of-date, but is kept for
historical and archival reasons.
Bug list, wish list, ALT="Bugs"
Installation Guide, ALT="Installation Guide"
Manuals and documentation, ALT="Manual"
User's Guide, ALT="User's Guide"
Design and Architecture, ALT="Design"
Platforms supported by our software, ALT="OS"
News, ALT="News"
Frequently Asked Questions, ALT="FAQ"
Comments or replies, ALT="Replies"
Get started instructions and quick guide, ALT="Quick Guide"
Programming Style Guide, ALT="Programming Style"
A talk or talks on the subject, lists of slides possibly with audio etc.
Top page for each W3T Task Force ALT="Plan"
These icons are publically available throughout the web, and we use them
in similar manner.
For cautions etc, ALT="NOTE"
Warning etc, ALT="WARNING"
Question mark, ALT="???"
Exclamation mark, ALT="!!!"
What's new, ALT="NEW"
I'm happy, ALT="SMILEY"
The W3C, ALT="W3C". This is an old icon.
WWW/Consortium/ is no longer a major page, and is going
away as much as possible.
Mini Server, ALT="MiniServ"
Specifications and development areas ALT="Specifications"
Clients.html ALT="Clients"
Don't use this one - take a sec and finish the page instead. For pages under
construction, ALT="WIP"
Links to other icon collections
KMM, 02 Nov 95
Tim & Henrik, March 28 1995, & 30-Mar-95 BFG
@(#) $Id: Overview.html,v 1.6 1998/06/01 18:20:42 fillault Exp $