Install mysql if you want to use it and update your environment path. install Ruby 2.2 components: Ruby 2.3.3 - The Ruby Lanugage Rails 5.0 - The Rails Framework Bundler - dependency manager GIT - The source code manager Sqlite - The database TinyTDS - An SQL to Ruby datatype translator SQL Server Support - Active Record Database Support DevKit - Converts the Unix environment variables so Rails runs on WINDOWS Puma - Web Server gem install rails gem looks for an installs gems (components, like Java Beans) on your system. ssh key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKh37kow6g9ULb2Rv13jM/dZWZRyn/VB4xKt85taA1DTI23UPa7EKimFmk9PDiYDZ+Aj3lCqdbeqhYfICOnFTsKaCZ36esQ2Bq3kXr4p4qhv9niJPzHCbC1LJsG7krGB4P0O5SeoPTeNMjnznqUqhaAxbXAdIN+WytjtCj7J5S/itIS6rNBuhKK0WN3Lcq5dSkKqpq1qmmzAfoKCndLfLWR8CPjdDEJ4sKMSYaDyQJQAoKyrx4x2VT/gCNed8eomb4MwTVbyVGotYROoaUE1r9Nw4534XO2knjxJhC4WVNJ7u7tYNwWGEVDLtBq1//6e4sQhlxe9tkiSkqi+6qA2HR Charles W. Kann FOR WINDOWS: Make sure to download and install dev kit. railsinstaller install mysql gem install mysql2 rails new blog -d mysql edit config/database.yml to add user and password rake db:create coffee script does not play well on Windows: Add - gem 'coffee-script-source', '1.8.0' - into gemfile bundle update coffee-script-source Start sever and show web page - Note localhost ( and post 3000) http://localhost:3000 rake routes - No routes defined, so default to index.html rails generate controller Welcome index rake routes - See /Welcome/index http://localhost:3000/Welcome/index Check out log file... Make this the default (root) routing Add default routing and show via rake routes ADDING a RESOURCE modify the routes.db fle to add articles note - ":" means a symbol in Ruby rake routes, and show the multiple routes, and how they do not yet have a controller. Explain why server is so slow (has to recompile code, check for changes in dev and test). This goes away in production. rake db:schema:dump ###-> writes to db/schema.rb