Why I hate Microsoft
"A personal, lengthy, but highly articulate outburst"
Appendix B: links
- Microsoft crash
gallery An amusing (or depressing, depending on your point of view)
collection of screenshots that illustrate the many ways in which MS
products are prone to crash.
- Windows
NT and VMS: the rest of the story Is NT really New Technology?
- "Why Open Source
Software / Free Software (OSS/FS)?" This paper by David A.
Wheeler provides quantitative data that, in many cases, using open source
software / free software is a reasonable or even superior approach to
using their proprietary competition according to various measures.
- Jerry Pournelle referred to this article on his
Chaos Manor website, but
disagreed with me about the early history of Microsoft and Windows.
Here is a transcript of the discussion that
followed. (This is in raw text format because I can't be bothered to
convert it to HTML).
- The Netcraft
uptime top-50 lists webservers by average uptime. As I write this,
Windows NT/2000 and/or IIS aren't even on the list!
- Georgi Guninski is a Bulgarian
security consultant, who hunts security leaks for a hobby. Needless to
say, Microsoft keeps him quite busy. Don't let his less-than-perfect
English fool you; I believe this man holds the unofficial record for
discovering MS security leaks. Read it and weep.
- Windows NT vs.
- This is how one user felt about
- Billgatus of Borg on the cover of
Boardwatch magazine
- A new NT 4.0 logo
- What users thought of Bill Gates
- Look here if you thought this page
was bad... :-)
- Microslaves
- Windows 2000 buglist
- Microsoft Linux - at last!
- Microsoft
acquires de facto monopolies in education Catch 'em while they're
- The best bluescreen ever If the
Blue Screen Of Death looked like this, I wouldn't mind seeing it so
often! :-))
- MSBC The Microsoft Boycott
Campaign, including the Superlist of anti-MS websites
- This The is probably the best
way to install Windows
- Computer rage Tales of woe from
the field
- Remarks by Steve Ballmer. Read a transcript of an interview with
Steve Ballmer where he (rather weakly, IMO) tries to defend the new
Software Assurance licencing scheme in response to critical questions from
his customers.
- This is a must-read
for anyone who believes that "Linux is too hard to use".
- Wikipedia
even has an entry on the BSOD. Go figure.
- 10,000 bugs away from world
domination An ex MS developer hails Open Source
Comments? E-mail me!
Contents copyright © 1997-2007 F.W. van Wensveen - all rights