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arrayAs(E[], int) - Static method in class SortUtils
Creates an array with n cells of the same type as the given array filled with nulls.


compare(E, E) - Static method in class SortUtils
Compares the given items.
copyCell(E[], int) - Static method in class SortUtils
Returns as 1D array a copy of the i-th cell from the given array.


generateArray(int, char) - Static method in class SortUtils
Returns Double primitive array of n elements such that: if order is 'i' the array elements are 1,2,...,n if order is 'd' the array elements are n,n-1,n-2,...,1 if order is 'r' the array elements are a random shuffle of 1,2,...,n


median3(E[], int, int) - Static method in class SortUtils
Places at index m=(i+j)/2 the median of the values at indices i,m,j.


SortUtils - Class in <Unnamed>
swap(E[], int, int) - Static method in class SortUtils
Exchanges the values of the items at the given indices.


toString(E[]) - Static method in class SortUtils
Returns a String representation of the given primitive array in this format: [item0 item1 ...
toString(E[], int) - Static method in class SortUtils
Returns a String representation of the first n items in the given primitive array in this format: [item0 item1 ...
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