Breadth-First Search

procedure BFS(G, src):
 1:   initialize all vertices (mark as not done)
 2:  for v ∈ V(G):
 3:      unmark v
 4:      reset parent (no parent yet)
 5:      reset distance (max possible)
 6:  distance of src is 0

 7:   load source vertex into a queue
 8:  Q ← MAKE-Q(src)
 9:  mark src

10:  while Q ≠ ∅:
11:      v ← POP(Q)

12:       do something with v
13:       explore v's neighbors
14:      for u ∈ Adjacent(v):
15:          if u is unmarked:
16:               neighbor not finished, add to Q
17:              mark u
18:              v becomes u's parent
19:              ADD(Q, u)

Dijkstra's Shortest Path

procedure DIJKSTRA(G, s):
 1:   initialize all vertices (source has distance 0)
 2:  for v ∈ V(G):
 3:      unmark v
 4:      reset parent (no parent yet)
 5:      reset distance (max possible)
 6:  distance of src is 0
 7:   load all vertices in a priority queue
 8:  PQ ← MAKE-PQ(V(G))

 9:  while PQ ≠ ∅:
10:     v ← POP-MIN(PQ)

11:      do something with v

12:      explore v's neighbors
13:     for u ∈ Adjacent(v):
14:         if dist[u] > dist[v] + weight(v→u):
15:              neighbor can be improved
16:              this is not O(1) operation 
17:             dist[u] ← dist[v] + weight(v→u)
18:             v becomes u's parent

Prim' Minimum Spanning Tree

procedure PRIM(G, s):
     initialize all vertices (source has distance 0)
    for v ∈ V(G):
        unmark v
        reset parent (no parent yet)
        reset distance (max possible)
    distance of src is 0
     load all vertices in a priority queue
    PQ ← MAKE-PQ(V(G))

     create a graph to represent the MST edges
    T ← MAKE-GRAPH()

    while PQ ≠ ∅:
        v ← POP-MIN(PQ)
        mark v

        ADD(T, edge(v↔parent[v]))

         explore v's neighbors
        for u ∈ Adjacent(v):
            if u is unmarked and dist[u] > weight(v→u):
                 neighbor can be improved
                 this is not O(1) operation
                dist[u] ← weight(v→u)
                v becomes u's parent

Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree

procedure KRUSKAL(G):
     sort the edges in increasing order by weight
    E ← SORTED(E(G))

     create a graph to represent the MST edges
    T ← MAKE-GRAPH()

    for e ∈ E:
        if e does not create a cycle in T:
            ADD(T, e)

Floyd-Warshall's All-Pairs Shortest Path

The algorithm builds a distance matrix, D, and predecessor matrix, P, based on the following recurrence:
              / D(i, j)          ,   P(i, j) = P(i, j)
D(i, j) = min |
              \ D(i, k) + D(k, j),   P(i, j) = P(k, j)
where D and P are initialized as follows:
          / 0              if i = j
D(i, j) = | weight(i→j)    if i ≠ j and edge i→j exists
          \ ∞              otherwise

          / i              if i ≠ j and edge i→j exists
P(i, j) = | 
          \ nil            otherwise

procedure FLOYD-WARSHALL(G):
     initialize the adjacency and predecessor matrices
    D, P ← ADJ-MATRIX(G)

     for each vertex in the graph
    for k ∈ V(G):
         for each pair of vertices
        for (i, j) ∈ V(G) × V(G):
             update the distance and predecessor matrices
             if detour through vertex k offers better distance
            if D[i][k] + D[k][j] < D[i][j]:
                D[i][j] ← D[i][k] + D[k][j]
                P[i][j] ← P[k][j]