Ivaylo Ilinkin

     (2023) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Daeun Song, Young J. Kim
Stroke-Based Rendering and Planning for Robotic Performance of Artistic Drawing
IROS'23: 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
[PDF] [Video]

     (2023) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Variations on "From Nand to Tetris" with Logisim and ARM
ITiCSE'23: 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
[PDF] [Course Website] [Cat&Pong] [nand2tetris.jar for Logisim-evolution Holy Cross Edition]

     (2022) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Mesh Smoothing for Teaching GLSL Programming
Eurographics'22 (Education): 43rd Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics

     (2021) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Marching Cubes for Teaching GLSL Programming
Eurographics'21 (Education): 42nd Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics

     (2020) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Sunghee Kim
Enhancing CS1 with Mobile Apps
ACE'20 (Workshop): 24th Australasian Computing Education Conference

     (2020) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Designing a Course on Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Eurographics'20 (Education): 41st Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics

     (2017) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Sunghee Kim
Evaluation of Korean Text Entry Methods for Smartwatches
CHI'17: 35th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

     (2016) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Android Library for CS1
CCSCS-E'16 (Workshop): 32nd Conference of Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges

     (2014) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Opportunities for Android Projects in CS1
SIGCSE'14: 45th Symposium on Computer Science Education

     (2014) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Visualization of Floater and Gotsman's Morphing Algorithm
SoCG'14 (Multimedia): 30th Symposium on Computational Geometry
[PDF] [Video]

     (2014) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Experimental Evaluation of Parametric Search Algorithms
EuroCG'14: 30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry

     (2013) Ivaylo Ilinkin
Parametric Search Visualization
SoCG'13 (Multimedia): 29th Symposium on Computational Geometry
[PDF] [Video]

     (2010) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Jieping Ye, Ravi Janardan
Multiple Structure Alignment and Consensus Identification for Proteins
BMC Bioinformatics
[PDF] [Web Server]

     (2010) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Sunghee Kim
Evaluation of Text Entry Methods for Korean Mobile Phones, a User Study
CHI'10: 28th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

     (2008) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Sunghee Kim
Design and Evaluation of Korean Text Entry Methods for Mobile Phones
CHI'08: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press (2008), 2853--2858
[PDF] [Poster PDF]

     (2006) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Ravi Janardan, Michiel Smid, Paul Castillo, Eric Johnson, Jörg Schwerdt
Heuristics for Estimating Contact-Area of Supports in Layered Manufacturing
JEA: Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 11, pp. 1--19

     (2002) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Ravi Janardan, Jayanth Majhi, Jörg Schwerdt, Michiel Smid, Ram Sriram
A Decomposition-based Approach to Layered Manufacturing
CGTA: Computational Geometry Theory and Applications, 23(2), pp. 117--151

     (2002) Ivaylo Ilinkin, Ravi Janardan, Michiel Smid
Terrain Polygon Decomposition with Application to Layered Manufacturing
COCOON'02: 8th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, LNCS 2387, pp. 381--390