- CPU:
- N2T: Chapter 5 Intro, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.1, (slides 27-48, 78-81)
- N2T: Chapter 4 Intro, 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, (slides 7-16, 19-23, 33-37, 41-47)
This assignment will focus on the following tasks:
Build the
circuit described in Project 5:
N2T: Project 5
Chapter 5 provides the contract for each circuit, i.e. description of its behavior, names and number inputs, names and state of outputs. The API is available here:
The Hack Chipset
Design in Logisim
Note the following requirements:
- create empty folder
and save the Logisim files there
- label the input pins exactly as specified in the contract:
- if there are multiple circuits in the same file, add pin index, i.e. a1, a2, a3
- if a name is rejected, add _pin, i.e. in_pin, out_pin
Here are additional specific requirements:
- For this project we will us a different version of Logisim:
Download Logisim 4.0.4hc
Your circuits, ALU, PC, Jumper, have been made compatible with the new version of Logisim:
you can download the compatible circuits from the Assignment 9 dropbox on Moodle as a .zip file.
No corrections have been made to the circuits, if they did not work correctly originally.
[not in the book, combinational gate]:
Chip name: Loader
Inputs: d1, d2, d3, // same meaning as Figure 4.4, p.68
ctype // 1 if instruction is ctype
Outputs: loadA, loadD, loadM // set to 1 if inputs indicate value should be loaded
// any subset of these may be 1
This is similar to the Jumper
and allows us to decide whether A
, D
, or M
should load a new value.
Create a circuit that with the following inputs and outputs:
- save in Loader.circ
- 1-bit inputs
d1, d2, d3
: same meaning as in Figure 4.5, p.69
- 1-bit input
: why is it needed?
- 1-bit outputs
loadA, loadD, loadM
: indicate which component needs to load a value (all or some could be 1)
- moderate use of basic gates
CPU Setup (1)
- start new Logisim project and save in file named CPU.circ; then create four additional subcircuits in this project as follows:
- do this separately for each circuit:
ALU, Jumper, PC
- from Menu Bar: "Project=>Add Circuit..."
- use "Open..." or cut and paste the circuit
This will allow you to drag your own circuits as boxed components onto the CPU Canvas. It essentially creates a small library similar to Wiring, Arithmetic, etc:
CPU Setup (2)
- this step is optional:
- from Menu Bar: "Project=>Load Library=>Jar Library..."
- find the file that you downloaded: nand2tetris.jar
- in dialog box type:
- should see a new library at the bottom called
- follow the diagram in Figure 5.8 on page 20
- you could consider immediately splitting the instruction into its 16 bits
- for testing you will need to attach a clock
- minimal use of basic gates
CPU Testing
- short test session is available here:
CPU Testing
: Logisim has a component called Splitter
under Wiring
; it can be used to select a single bit from a bus (or a group of bits)
: note that Constants
components can be given width which makes it possible to propagate multiple 1s or 0s on a wide bus
Design in HDL
Note the following additional requirements:
- in folder cs221/06/ copy one at a time the starter code for the required circuits:
Here are additional specific requirements:
- see description above
- save in Loader.hdl
- moderate use of basic gates
- Test
- download test files: Loader.tst | Loader.cmp (fill in missing values)
- test in Hardware Simulator
- in the submission include Loader.cmp
- save in file named CPU.hdl and follow the diagram in Figure 5.8 on page 20
- use ARegister and DRegister which are specialized versions for the plain Register
- minimal use of basic gates
: to achieve the effect of splitting wires in HDL you write gatepin=wire[i..j]
or gatepin[i..j]=wire
(the widths have to match)
more generally, you can write gatepin[i..j]=wire[p..q]
(the widths have to match), but this general version will not be needed for this assignment
could be an input or output pin of the gate
: to achieve the effect of sending the constant values 1 or 0 to a pin in HDL you write gatepin=true
or gatepin=false
(should work regardless of pin width)
Modify and test the respective .hdl file given by the authors:
- Win users: could use Notepad (shows line numbers at bottom right)
- Mac users: could use TextEdit; ensure file is edited and saved in Plain Text: "Format Menu:Make Plain Text"