CS 322 - Introduction to Computer Networks
Spring Semester, 2000-2001
Go straight to the course syllabus.
Twenty years ago, few people had access to a computer network. Today,
access to a network is considered essential. In this course, we look
at the operation of computer networks and internets in the broadest
sense. Our goal is breadth, not depth. The course is intended for
junior and senior computer science majors who have little or no
background in networks.
- Meeting time Section A: MWF 9:00-9:50
- Meeting time Section B: MWF 10:00-10:50
- Meeting room: Glatfelter 203
- Office: Glatfelter 211
- Office hours: MWF 11:00-12:00, MWF 1:00-2:00, and by appointment
- Telephone: 337-6630
- E-mail: jfink@gettysburg.edu
- WWW page: http://cs.gettysburg.edu/~jfink/courses/cs322.html
- Class e-mail aliases: cs-322-a@gettysburg.edu and cs-322-b@gettysburg.edu
- Mid-Term Exam: Monday, March 5, 6:30-8:00 PM
- Final Exam: Sunday, May 6, 1:30-4:30 PM
- CS 216 - Data Structures (C grade or better)
- Computer Networks and Internets, 2nd edition, by Douglas E. Comer
- Your grade will be determined by your scores on the following:
- homework (30%);
- mid-term exam (20%);
- final project (40%);
- class attendance and participation; attendance at three or more
department colloquia and other designated special events (10%).
- ***There will be no make-up exams, and late work will not be accepted.***
- The bulk of the homework will consist of several
programming assignments.
- The programming assignments are an integral part of the course and are
crucial for an understanding of the material. They are where you will get
hands-on experience.
- Grading of programs will be based on design, documentation, and style as
well as on correctness.
- The programming assignments are designed for individual or small group
work. If you need help, you may discuss the assignments with your instructor
or other groups to a limited extent. Interpret this to mean that discussions
with other groups may involve only pencil and paper work of a general nature.
You may not look at other groups' program files or the specifics of other
groups' solutions.
- Programming assignments will be submitted electronically as e-mail
attachments. The e-mail message itself must contain the Honor Pledge.
- There may be additional homework as time permits.
- The final project will be a team effort on a topic of your own choice.
- Teams will consist of two or three people. No singles.
- To get you started early on the project, a written
proposal is a required first step. The
proposal is due on Monday, March 26.
- Projects will be presented in class at the end of the semester.
- Class attendance is expected and required.
- Three unexcused absences are allowed.
- Each unexcused absence beyond the third will result in a +/- final grade
- In this course, we will learn ways of gaining unauthorized access to
computer resources. Consequently, it is important to review our ethical
and legal responsibilities as computer scientists.
- Activities that are unethical and possibly illegal include:
- reading another person's files without permission, even if the files
are not protected;
- posing as someone else in computer communications such as e-mail;
- monitoring network traffic except for debugging;
- monitoring another person's computer usage without permission;
- "spoofing" user-service programs such as login programs.
- Activities that are definitely illegal include:
- gaining unauthorized access to a computer system;
- writing or deleting the files of another user;
- distributing virus or worm programs;
- damaging the computer resources of another person;
- denying the use of computer resources to another person.
- In short, think before you do something and use common sense. No matter
how interesting and harmless it may seem, it is unethical to do anything to
another user without her/his permission or knowledge.