Assignment 5


Start by reading Chapter 11 in our textbook, paying special attention to the discussion of the DSL and cable modem technologies. Then read the article in Salon Magazine by Simson Garfinkel reviewing the two technologies from a consumer's point of view. After you read Chapter 11 and the Garfinkel article, answer the following questions:
  1. Garfinkel says, "The issue isn't whether or not a link is shared. The issue is whether or not there is enough bandwidth on the shared link to satisfy all of the users at a particular time." Does cable modem service guarantee a minimum bandwidth? Does DSL? Why or why not?

  3. Garfinkel also says, "Without the microfilters in place, the DSL connection's high-speed data stream sounds like a loud hiss in every phone." What is the reason for the hiss?

  5. Why is it more secure for a cable modem to act as a bridge or a switch than a hub?

  7. What reasons does Garfinkel give for believing that the battle between the two technologies will not be won on technical merits?


Your answers to the four questions must be typewritten (word-processed) on one side of a single sheet of 8-1/2 x 11 paper (no ragged edges). Use standard English with complete sentences. Grading will be based on both the content and the quality of your writing. Be clear, precise, and succinct. You may write and sign the Honor Code on the reverse side.

Due Date and Time

This assignment is due at the beginning of class on Monday, March 19. Late work will not be accepted.