Challenge #1 Assumptions

Track Assumptions:

As is common with any robotics project, our group was forced to make a number of assumptions in order to allow our robot to work. The point of these assumptions is to get the robot working in an easy environment before changing the assumptions to allow the robot to work in a more difficult environment. The group before us had made an assumption that the robot would never be called to make a turn steeper than 90 degrees, and that there would be no other piece of tape within 6 inches of the piece the robot was on. We sought to significantly change the first assumption. Our new assumptions can be broken into two groups. Our first set is assumptions made about the track design, and can be seen in the diagram: Robot Assumptions:

We made a few other assumptions about the construction of the car that our program would be running one.

Track Assumptions Diagram:












This page was last updated: 12/10/2004