Bulding the Robot Step 1: The Sensor Array

Let us start by assembling the sensor array used by our robot.

Step 1:

Assemble the three pieces as shown below. All three are the same size.

Step 2:

Attach the pieces to one another by placing the middle piece on top of the bottom piece, with its black connector units on the outermost edges, and then the top piece atop the middle piece.

Step 3:

Next, assemble three new pieces as shown below.

Step 4:

Also assemble these pieces.

Step 5:

Attack the pieces in step 4 as shown below. Note that the longer portion of the double-length black connector unit should be placed lengthward down in the far end of the straight grey piece after the straight grey piece is attached to the bent grey piece. The image details the placement and orientation of the two grey pieces.

Step 6:

Create another set of pieces as shown in steps 4 and 5, only mirrored.
