We drew on several resources for this rpoject, which we will share here in hopes that others may also find them useful.
- Lejos API: Perhaps one of the most useful resources we had access to was the javadoc resources for the Lejos language. This was invaluable for translating exactly what all of the various methods did and for determining what we could do with different classes and sensors. This is highly recommended.
- Lejos Source Code: This likewise proved invaluable in aiding us in our initial understanding of how behaviors worked and could be applied to line following. There are many other excellent examples in the example files, so we strongly recommend that if any method or application is confusing, check and see if there's a sample file with similar goals or methods to help get you going.
- Previous Groups: Although the previous challenges lacked the subsumption structure used for this challenge, their insights and problems are frequently just as real and valid with the NXT system as before it.
We also want to provide special thanks to the following:
- Doctor Neller: For his patient and invaluable assistance throughout the semester
- Macromedia: For making Dreamweaver to aide an HTML illiterate individual in making a documentation site
- W3Schools: For explaining HTML and CSS, as well as making a nice test program.