Quang Vu
Chelsea Varella
We hypothesize that by changing the value of new_prob we will be able to improve the accuracy of the sensor particles/readings. In order to test our hypothesis we will test the current equation of ^3 against ^2, and ^4 in the update_particles_with_laser method.
Description of the measure (i.e. metric) used to evaluate the performance/success of the approach:
We will test three equations three times in three methods (nine times total) and record its success or failure:
Data collected along with a description of how the data should be interpreted:
Trial One (Original (^3)):
Normal Localisation
Attempt 1: Success
Attempt 2: Success
Attempt 3: Failure
Complicated Maneuvers
Attempt 1: Success
Attempt 2: Success
Attempt 3: Success
Kidnapped Robot
Attempt 1: Failure
Attempt 2: Failure
Attempt 3: Failure
Trial Two (^2):
Normal Localisation
Attempt 1: Success
Attempt 2: Success
Attempt 3: Success
Complicated Maneuvers
Attempt 1: Success
Attempt 2: Success
Attempt 3: Success
Kidnapped Robot
Attempt 1: Close
Attempt 2: Failure
Attempt 3: Failure
Trial Three (^4):
Normal Localisation
Attempt 1: Failure
Attempt 2: Failure
Attempt 3: Failure
Complicated Maneuvers
Attempt 1: Success
Attempt 2: Success
Attempt 3: Failure
Kidnapped Robot
Attempt 1: Success
Attempt 2: Success
Attempt 3: Failure
Algorithms developed or modified:
Changing the value of new_prob calculation from def update_particles_with_lasedr(self, msg)
(Line 406 in pf.py)
Even though the data is small, we can see a pattern of success and failure for each method of testing. Oddly enough, the more aggressive equation of ^4 did extremely well with the complicated maneuvers and the kidnapped robot scenario but did extremely poorly with the normal localisation. However, we need a bigger data sample in order to have a stronger conclusion.
Trial 1:
Trial 2:
Trial 3:
For future students:
1. How to repeat:
Setup a small area similar to the map provided above.
For each calculation of new_prob: