CS 111- Introduction to Computer Science
Homework #13

Due: beginning of class 39

Breakthrough Part 1

0. Learn Breakthrough: Read about the basic game at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakthrough_(board_game)

1. Implement BreakthroughState: Implement a class BreakthroughState.java according to this specification. To distribute your work, try to complete BreakthroughState.java by Friday 4/18.

2. Testing BreakthroughState: Test your class using the provided GUI.  Usage: java Breakthrough

3. Implement BreakthroughGame: Implement a class BreakthroughGame.java according to this specificationTest input and a transcript with input is provided.  Note that this text-based game implementation will largely rely on the methods you have implemented in BreakthroughState.java.  Each time you print the board, remember to print an extra blank line thereafter.

Rubric: (20 points total)