CS 112 - Introduction to Computer Science II
Homework #3

Due: At the beginning of class 9.  This work is to be done in pairs.  I strongly recommend the practice of Pair Programming described simply here.  Although team members are permitted to divide work, each team member should be able to informally present all work of his/her teammate.

NOTE: It is not enough to pass the submission test with an "OK".  These should be recursive implementations, and will receive full credit only if the implementation is recursive as specified.

1. Catalan Numbers: Catalan Numbers show up in many combinatorics counting problems, e.g. the number of binary trees that have n internal nodes (i.e. n + 1 terminal nodes).  In Catalan.java, create a method public static long c(int n) that recursively computes Catalan number Cn for n >= 0 according to the following definition:

Recursive Catalan Number Formula

Hint: It would be beneficial to rewrite the recursive step in terms of Cn by replacing the right-hand side occurrences of n with n - 1.
Optional challenge: The method body of Catalan.c can be expressed as a single statement.

2. Counting Non-Pig Roll Sequences:  The game of Pig is a very simple jeopardy dice game in which two players race to reach 100 points. Each turn, a player repeatedly rolls a die until either a 1 (called a “pig”) is rolled or the player holds and scores the sum of the rolls (i.e. the turn total). At any time during a player's turn, the player is faced with two decisions:

For this problem, in PigRollSequences.java you will implement method public static int getNumSequences(int turnTotal) that recursively computes and returns how many different possible non-pig roll sequences (i.e. roll sequences without 1s) result in a turn total of k, where 0 <= k <= 50.  For example, there are 5 possible roll sequences that result in a turn total of 6: 2-2-2, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, and 6.  Note that 2-4 and 4-2 count as distinct roll sequences; you are not counting roll sets.  Note also that the empty sequence leads to a turn total of 0 at the beginning of your turn, i.e. getNumSequences(0) == 1 .

For k = 2, 6, and 10, your result should be 1, 5, and 29, respectively.

Hint 1: The number of roll sequences leading to turn total k is the sum of the number of roll sequences leading to k-2, k-3, ..., and k-6

Hint 2: Dynamic programming should be used to speed computation.

3. Toads and Frogs: Read about the game of Toads and Frogs.  The game is played on a single row of n positions, each of which contains a toad, a frog, or is empty.  Toads/frogs are played by the toad/frog player and always move/hop rightward/leftward, respectively.  On a turn, the toad/frog player may either (1) move a toad/frog into a right-/left-adjacent empty position, or (2) hop a single toad/frog over a right-/left-adjacent frog/toad into an empty position immediately beyond, respectively.

The toad player plays first, and turns alternate.  The first player unable to make a move loses.  Here is an example game with T's representing toads, F's representing frogs, and dashes representing empty spaces:

T (toad player) moves right.
F (frog player) moves left.
T could move either toad but chooses to move the foremost.
F could hop or move, and chooses to move.
T can only move.
F must hop.
T must move.
F could hop either frog and choose to hop the hindmost.
T must move.
F must hop.
T could move either toad but chooses to move the hindmost.
F must hop.
T could move either toad but chooses to move the hindmost.
F cannot move/hop and thus loses the game.

This initial board position was a guaranteed win for the toad player (T) with perfect play.  That is not to say that T could not have lost the game with poor play:

And T cannot move/hop and thus loses the game.

For this assignment, you will implement a recursive solver to determine which player will win the game with perfect play in a given situation.

We will represent a game state as (1) a character array containing toads ('T'), frogs ('F'), and empty spaces ('-'), and (2) the current player ('T'/'F').  In ToadsAndFrogSolver.java, given a game state as separate parameters, you will implement method public static char getWinner(char[] board, char currentPlayer) that takes in a game state and returns which player will win if both players play perfectly.

The recursive algorithm is sketched is as follows: (A more detailed sketch is given  below, but see if you can work this algorithm without that sketch.)

You are encouraged to begin with this ToadsAndFrogsSolver.java starter code which includes a main method for testing.

Note 1: Before and after a call to getWinner(char[] board, char currentPlayer), the contents of char[] board should remain unchanged.

Note 2: While dynamic programming would speed computation, we will test with small enough game boards so that the implementation of dynamic programming is optional.

Example transcripts (input underlined):

Board position (using TF-)? T-F
Current player (T/F)? T
Winner: T

Board position (using TF-)? T--F
Current player (T/F)? T
Winner: F

Board position (using TF-)? TTT-FFF
Current player (T/F)? T
Winner: T

Board position (using TF-)? TTF-TF-F
Current player (T/F)? T
Winner: F

More detailed pseudocode:

getWinner(board, current player):

This is only one correct structure for a correct recursive evaluation.  Any recursive evaluation is allowable.

Rubric: (20 points total)

Note by "iterative implementation", we mean an entirely iterative implementation with no recursion.  Even recursive implementations for "Counting Non-Pig Roll Sequences" and "Toads and Frogs" will have iteration through different roll values and board positions, respectively.  The key here is to solve each problem through recursive calls to smaller/simpler problems of the same type.  Don't overthink your recursion; cover the base case(s) and, for recursive cases, think only one step ahead at most.