CS 371
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Homework #7
Due: Tuesday, 10/24
Playing Mancala:
Download the file mancala.tar to
a new work directory and untar it with "tar -xvf mancala.tar".
Copy files beginning with "Tneller" to files beginning with your
own last name or some sort of UserID.
Have a little fun playing the mancala game as is by typing "java Mancala".
Now edit the MancalaPlayer initializations in file Mancala.java
such that your UserIDMancalaPlayer is playing against itself.
Make the necessary modifications to UserIDMancalaPlayer
such that it's doing alpha-beta pruning.
Limit the search depth to a constant 8, and check the play sequence to
see that it matches that of the mancala-example file.
Demonstrate this to me by Thursday 10/19.
Now the real fun begins:
Create at least two different evaluation functions, experiment to see which
is better, and document your experimentation.
Design your own means of managing search time and limiting search depth.
Find one other member of our class and play your UserIDMancalaPlayer
against theirs both as MAX (Player 1) and MIN (Player 2). Record
the total score differences from both games. If a player runs out
of time, all remaining non-scored pieces count towards their opponent's
I will match people's best submitted efforts (mention which is best in
your README file) against each other. The winner of that tournament
will be awarded their very own deluxe mancala game. ("Swwweet."
as Seth would say.)