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CS 371
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Homework #8 |
The grammar for the input file is as follows:
<inputFile> <-- <cptList> [ "evidence" <evidenceList>]
<cptList> <-- ( <cpt> )+
<cpt> <-- "P" "(" <varName> [ "|" <parentList> ]
")" "=" "{" <pvalueList> "}"
<parentList> <-- <varName> ( "," <varName>
<pvalueList> <-- <pvalue> ( "," <pvalue> )*
<evidenceList> <-- <evidence> ( "," <evidence>
<evidence> <-- "-" <varName> | <varName>
where <varName> is an alphanumeric variable name starting with a
letter, and <pvalue> is a probability value.
CPT entries should be topologically sorted so that variables are not used as conditioning variables before their own CPT entry has been defined. For example, if "P(b|a) = ..." came before "P(a) = ..." above, the parser would complain. Evidence is optional, but if there is no evidence, omit the keyword "evidence" as well. Variable names are case sensitive.
Output Format: Output format should mimic that of the sample
output files. For example, the output from the command
java BNStochasticSimulation 10000000 2000000 < sample.in > sample.out
would yield output of the form:
(Bayesian network information omitted.)
After iteration 2000000:
Variable, Average Conditional Probability, Fraction True
a, 0.09748785356892184, 0.097478
b, 0.09742460714035203, 0.097626
c, 0.031191558153934026, 0.031382
After iteration 4000000:
Variable, Average Conditional Probability, Fraction True
a, 0.09741916070759787, 0.0974705
b, 0.09741049285045494, 0.097506
c, 0.031176752524133284, 0.0313245
After iteration 6000000:
Variable, Average Conditional Probability, Fraction True
a, 0.09748330237820788, 0.09761716666666667
b, 0.0974821559496393, 0.09763166666666667
c, 0.03120110850466848, 0.0313455
After iteration 8000000:
Variable, Average Conditional Probability, Fraction True
a, 0.09740884107956631, 0.097467125
b, 0.09740182857956917, 0.097492875
c, 0.031173577904451428, 0.0312755
After iteration 10000000:
Variable, Average Conditional Probability, Fraction True
a, 0.09732317572895542, 0.097338
b, 0.09733498930038403, 0.0973159
c, 0.03114377427753685, 0.0312345
The first command line parameter is the number of iterations. The second is the frequency of result reporting.
Note that for each non-evidence node we print both the average conditional probability and the fraction of iterations the variable has been assigned true.
BNNode class: see javadoc documentation.
As your first exercise, implement the stochastic simulation method such
that your output is similar to that above. For guidance, the exact
conditional probability of variable a for the above problem is
NOTE: In these latter problems, please put the final result
of each output in your README file and comment on it. It
is not necessary (nor is it desirable) to have an enormous README
file. You need only supply your Bayesian network input file for problem
2 once. For each demonstration experiment, you need only describe the (1)
evidence (or lack thereof) and (2) final results both before and after
the introduction of new evidence. Comment on each part! Don't
assume I can make sense of what you're doing amidst a sea of variables
and numbers.