CS 371: Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction |
Minimax |
Alpha-beta pruning |
Expectiminimax |
Games as Search Problems
Previously, we've looked at search
problems with static environments.
(One agent affects the environment.) |
Now, we generalize just a bit and allow
two agents to affect the environment in turn. à dynamic environment |
Previously, we've looked for a sequence
of actions to a goal state. |
Now, we're looking for a sequence of
actions which maximizes some utility measure regardless of how an adversarial
agent acts. |
Example of Tree Search
Search: Peg solitaire |
jump a peg over another to empty space,
removing jumped peg |
Initial state: only one space empty |
Goal state: only one space occupied |
Find sequence of jumps from initial
state to goal |
Example of Game-Tree
Search: Tic-Tac-Toe |
players place X and O in turn. |
Initial state: empty 3´3 grid |
Goal state: three of a player's symbol
in a row |
Count win = +1, draw = 0, loss = -1 |
Find sequence of move which maximizes
utility regardless of adversarial play |
Example of Game-Tree
Suppose you construct the complete tree
of possible plays. |
Evaluate terminal states as (+1,0,-1) |
Evaluate non-terminal states as
maximum/minimum of children evaluations for player X/O respectively. |
This propagation of evaluations is
called minimax. |
Consider minimax on a subtree of
possible tic-tac-toe plays… |
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Another Minimax Example
Minimax Decision-Making
Perfect Decisions in
Two-Player Games
Problem definition: initial state,
operators, terminal test, utility (or payoff) function |
Given whole game tree, minimax yields
perfect decisions* |
Minimax: minimum of the maximum of the
minimum of the maximum of the… |
*assuming adversary acts according to
minimax à importance of player modeling |
Can’t search whole game tree, so… |
Imperfect Decisions in
Two-Player Games
Evaluate states passing cutoff-test
according to heuristic evaluation function |
Consider Chess |
enormous state space |
can't possibly search whole tree with
current computational limitations |
Must |
limit depth of search |
evaluate non-terminal nodes at limit |
"How would you
evaluate these..."
How would you evaluate these positions? |
Material advantage isn't the whole
story. |
Heuristic Game-Play
A good evaluation function |
returns actual value at terminal
states, |
approximates actual value at
non-terminal nodes, and |
isn't too computationally intensive |
Most attribute recent game-playing
success to better speed ("brute force") rather than better
evaluation (knowledge base) |
Still, most minimax search is
pointless… |
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Example
Pruning Guarantees
While we search the tree, we can keep
track of guaranteed maximum/minimum utilities if play proceeds to each node. |
When we see a contradiction in
guarantees, we can prune remaining children from further consideration,
because we've proven a rational player will never reach that node. |
Rationality? Ha!
What if other player isn't rational? |
If evaluation is perfect, then one can
always do as well if not better against an irrational player with rational
play. |
Alpha-Beta Pruning
Let a,b be local lower,upper bound guarantees |
"If play proceeds here, root will
score at least a." |
"If play proceeds here, root will
score at most b." |
Pruning thus according to a and b is called alpha-beta pruning. |
Minimax search with alpha-beta pruning
is sometimes called alpha-beta search. |
Alpha-Beta Pruning
Alpha-Beta Pruning
Alpha-Beta Pruning
Exercise (cont.)
Games of Chance
Chance Nodes
A chance node is evaluated as follows |
the value of each child is multiplied
times the probability of reaching that child |
these products are then summed. |
Disadvantages to this approach: |
branching factor of chance nodes can be
large! |
no pruning allowed |
evaluation functions are hard!… |
Why Minimax Isn't Always