CS 371: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Informed Search

Q/A Time
Overview of My Code, Java Concepts
Informed Search Methods
Memory Bounded Search
Iterative Improvement Search
Heuristic Functions
Worked Examples

Overview of Code
Abstract classes form “templates” helpful for:
Generalizing problem solving methods (factoring out common code, enabling reuse)
Making the problem formalization clear
Providing a language construct to guide fill-in-the-blank implementation

Abstract Classes for Search
Operator – operator encodings may take on many different forms
State – “search state” or node really.  The encoding of the “state” of the agent is internal and unspecified
Searcher – could have added on thread support for anytime algorithm, but kept it simple for now

Informed Search Methods
Best-First Search
Greedy Search
Worked examples
Admissibility, monotonicity, pathmax, optimality, completeness, complexity

Best-First Search
Describe General Search
Evaluation Function f(n) - desirability of node n for expansion
Best-First Search: General Search with queueing ordered by f  (A heap rather than a queue, really.)

Best-First Search (cont.)
Let g(n) = pathCost(n).  What search do you have if f(n) = g(n)?

Greedy Search
Heuristic Function h(n) - estimated cost of the cheapest path from n to a goal node
Greedy Search: Best-First Search with
f(n) = h(n)
“Always choose the node that looks closest to the goal next.”
Can think of h as the height of a “search terrain”.  In greedy search, you would look for the next biggest step down from where you’ve been.

Example: Route Finding

Example: Route Finding (cont.)
h(n) = straight-line distance to goal city

 A* Search
Path Cost g(n) - cost from initial state to n
Uniform Cost Search expands minimum g(n)
Greedy Search expands minimum h(n)
Search algorithm “A” expands minimum estimated total cost f(n)=g(n)+h(n)
Worked example

Behavior of A*
Admissible h never overestimates the cost to reach the goal (e.g. route finding, sliding tile puzzle)
h admissible Þ A is called A*
Monotonicity of f – f doesn’t decrease along a path
h admissible Þ f monotonic?
h admissible Þ pathmax equation forces monotonicity:
f(n’) = max(f(n), g(n’)+h(n’))
Monotonicity à search contours

Search Contours

Properties of A*
A* is optimal – finds optimal path to goal
A* is optimally efficient - no other algorithm is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes
A* is complete on locally finite graphs (finite branching factor, minimum cost constant)
Complexity exponential unless h is very accurate (error grows no faster than log of actual path cost)

Iterative Deepening A*
Basic intuition: iterative deepening DFS with increasing f-limit rather than increasing depth-limit.

Heuristic Functions
Fundamental tradeoff
Inventing heuristics: 8-puzzle example
Relaxed problem – problem with constraints removed
Relax: A tile can move from A to B if A adjacent to B and B is empty.
A tile can move from A to B if A adjacent to B.
A tile can move from A to B if A is empty.
A tile can move from A to B.
The cost of an exact solution to a relaxed problem can provide a good heuristic h.

Developing a Heuristic for TripleCross
Pretend tiles can be shifted independently with 4 operators.
Pretend subgoals (solve circle, line of dots, “Binary Arts”) can be solved independently with parallel operations.
Other ideas?

Developing a Heuristic
Tradeoff between quality of h and efficiency of search.
Extreme cases:
h(n) = 0  (admissible, but equivalent to uniform cost search)
h(n) = exact optimal cost remaining (search goes directly to goal, but full problem solved for each step!)

Memory-Bounded Search
Space-complexity the main drawback with A*
IDA* - Iterative deepening search along f contours
Good for simple problems with few contours.  What to do if there are many unique path-cost values?

Argument: IDA* uses too little memory
SMA* - Simplified Memory-bounded A*
Korf: SMA* 20x slower on 15 tile puzzle
Tradeoff: wasted work searching vs. wasted work checking repeated states.
Can there be a good balance?

Iterative Improvement Search
Hill-Climbing – greedy wandering, no queue, no backtracking
Should be called “hill-descending” or “local optimization”
Gets caught in local minima
Local optimization with random restarts
Local optimization with % random steps

Simulated Annealing
Simulated Annealing – local optimization with % random steps, with % decreasing slowly over time
Analogy to statistical mechanics, process of annealing metals, forming crystalline structures.
Applet demo by Dudu Noy
Another applet demo by Wesley Perkins:

Genetic Algorithms
Analogy to genetic evolution:
Encoding (of characteristics, behaviors)
Fitness (evaluation function, survival of fittest)
Crossover, mutation from one generation to the next
Koza video
Biomorph demo by Jean-Philippe Rennard