Review: goal-based agent, simple problem-solving
agent |
How would we design a Minesweeper-playing agent? |
Capacity for simple logical reasoning useful for
some problem solving. |
Toy example: Minesweeper Agent |
Real-world example: Reaction Control System
(RCS) |
propositions - T/F atomic sentences about the
world |
propositional symbols (a.k.a. variables) P, Q,
R, …, and constants True and False |
e.g. P: “There is a mine at (1,2).”; Q: “There
is a mine at (2,2).” |
not (Ø) - negates meaning of a sentence |
P, ØP, Q, ØQ, … are called literals |
e.g. ØQ: “There is not a mine at (2,2) |
connectives (Ù,Ú,Þ,Û) - logically combine sentences |
PÙQ, PÚQ, PÞQ, PÛQ are complex
sentences |
e.g. PÞØQ: “If there is a mine at (1,2), then there
is not a mine at (2,2).” |
parentheses - disambiguates grammar |
e.g. PÞØQ ÙQ |
PÞ(ØQ ÙQ) vs. (PÞØQ) ÙQ |
commitments to the meanings of propositions |
(“P” without an interpretation is meaningless.) |
propositional symbol interpretations |
commitments to the meanings of connectives, etc. |
(“Þ” without an interpretation is meaningless.) |
truth tables |
truth table - table of truth assignments to
propositions and resulting truth values for complex sentences |
truth tables for defining connectives |
tables can easily become large! |
Exponential growth with increase in
propositional symbols |
A sentence is valid if it is true for all
possible truth assignments (a.k.a. a tautology) e.g. (P ÚØP) |
A sentence is satisfiable if there exists a
“satisfying” truth assignment (i.e. a truth assignment for which the
sentence is true). |
A truth assignment which satisfies a sentence is
a model of that sentence. |
entailment - whether a sentences follows from
other sentences |
KB Ö f means knowledge base KB entails formula f |
If a truth assignment
that satisfies all sentences in KB also satisfies formula f, f is entailed
by KB |
inference rules - deduce new sentences from old
sentences |
KB | f means knowledge base KB infers or proves
formula f |
If there are a set of
inference actions which derive the truth of formula f from the
sentence in KB, f is inferred by KB |
soundness - all inferences correct? |
completeness - all conclusions reachable? |
A logic consists of |
a formal
language consisting of |
syntax |
semantics |
a proof theory |
terms: sentences, KB, valid, satisfiable, model,
entail, inference rule, sound, complete |
All KR&R languages have syntax, semantics,
and ontological and epistemological commitments. |
KB-agents can achieve competence quickly, by
learning or being told facts |
KB-agents can adapt. Changes in the world cause updates to KB |
Flexible; no reprogramming! |
expressivity - limits of what knowledge a logic
can express |
tractability - limits of what can be reasoned
within computational constraints |
fundamental tradeoff between expressivity and
tractability |
knowledge acquisition - the difficulty of
expressing and codifying human knowledge |
Problem Overview |
Combinational circuits |
Single-Stuck-At (SSA) faults |
Automatic Test Pattern Generation |
Notation translation for Larrabee paper |
Normal circuit example |
Conversion to Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) |
Suppose: |
You’re working in circuit testing |
You test a great many combinational circuit
designs (many quite complex). |
You wish to find a way to automate testing of
circuits for Single Stuck-At (SSA) faults: |
A single circuit wire “stuck at” a constant
value (e.g. 0 = false=grounded) |
For any given fault, it would be nice to have a
circuit input which would give a different result if fault / no fault. |
In the Larrabee paper, a different logical
notation is used: |
Eliminate Þ and Û |
Move negations in (form
literals) using deMorgan’s Law |
Distribute Ù and Ú to form conjunction of disjunctions |
Worked example:
X Û (Y Ù ØZ) |
Replace XÛY with (XÞY) Ù (YÞX) |
Replace XÞY with ØXÚY |
Worked example: |
X Û (YÙØZ) = |
(X Þ (YÙØZ)) Ù ((YÙØZ) Þ X) = |
(ØX Ú (YÙØZ)) Ù (Ø(YÙØZ) Ú X) |
deMorgan’s Law: |
Replace Ø(XÚY) with (ØX ÙØY) |
Replace Ø(XÙY) with (ØX Ú ØY) |
Worked example: |
(ØX Ú (YÙØZ)) Ù (Ø(YÙØZ) Ú X) = |
(ØX Ú (YÙØZ)) Ù ((ØY Ú ØØZ) Ú X) = |
(ØX Ú (YÙØZ)) Ù ((ØY Ú Z) Ú X) = |
(ØX Ú (YÙØZ)) Ù (ØY Ú Z Ú X) |
At this point, you should only have complex
sentences made up of Ù, Ú, and literals |
Replace (f0 Ú (f 1
Ù … Ù f n)) |
with ((f0 Ú f1) Ù … Ù (f0
Ú fn)) where fi is a formula |
Continue until you have one conjunction (and) of
disjunctions (or’s). |
(ØX Ú (YÙØZ)) Ù (ØY Ú Z Ú X) = |
((ØXÚY) Ù (ØXÚØZ)) Ù (ØY Ú Z Ú X) = |
This is called Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF). |
Any CNF form can be converted to 3CNF or k-CNF
by introducing variables and splitting disjunctions: |
(PÚQÚRÚSÚT) is equivalent to (PÚQÚU) Ù (ØUÚRÚV) Ù (ØVÚSÚT) |
Suppose we wish to test the following circuit
for a SSA fault at D with D stuck at true: |
We model the fault by introducing D’, which is
stuck at true and affects the value of X which we rename X’: |
We want to find a test pattern (inputs resulting
in different outputs for correct/faulty cases) |
This is accomplished by first creating a circuit
with both our correct and fault models, which evaluates to true when the
correct and fault circuits have different outputs. |
Then we fix the output of this combined circuit
to true, and treat this as a boolean satisfiability problem, seeking a
satisfying truth assignment to the inputs. |
Such an assignment will be a test pattern
suitable for testing for the given fault. |
Given: combinational circuit, possible fault |
Build fault model |
Build “test circuit” combining normal and fault
model, evaluating true iff outputs of each are different |
Fix output of test circuit to true |
Convert circuit logic to CNF form |
Use GSAT to find a satisfying truth assignment
to inputs. |
Proof by Contradiction: |
Given KB, want to show KB Ö f (KB entails
f) |
Let KB’ = KB È {Øf} |
If we can prove that KB’ Ö false
(inconsistent, contradiction), then we’ve proven that KB Ö f |
If KB’ | false
and our inference rules are sound then, KB’ Ö false |
Can use propositional logic inference rules of
Figure 6.13, or… |
Can convert to CNF and do resolution theorem
proving |
Example: |
KB = {P, PÞQ, QÞR} |
Does this infer R? |
KB’ = {P, PÞQ, QÞR, ØR} = |
= (P Ù (ØP Ú Q) Ù (ØQ Ú R) Ù ØR) |
{P} (KB) |
{ØP Q} (KB) |
{ØQ R} (KB) |
{ØR} (negated goal) |
{Q} (1,2) |
{R} (3,5) |
{} (4,6)
à Contradiction! Q.E.D. |
KB-agent: “Knowledge is power” à “Ability
to derive new knowledge is ability to increase power.” |
Overview of Propositional Logic as a language
for a KB-agent |
Tradeoff: expressivity vs. tractability |
Practical Example: circuit test pattern
generation |
Automatic theorem proving approaches |