Booking a flight |
Scheduling a meeting |
Playing chess |
VLSI Layout |
Construction Planning |
Parsing Grammars |
Robot Navigation |
Assembly Sequencing |
etc. etc. etc. |
Simple Search Problem-Solving Agent |
4 Parts of a Search Problem |
Example Search Problems |
General Search |
Breadth-First Search |
Depth-First Search |
Etc. |
Single-state problem - current state known, each
action maps to a single state |
Multiple-state problem - current state or
effects of actions unknown |
Contingency problem - uncertainty reduced by
sensing during execution of actions |
Exploration problem - no information about the
effects of actions |
Uninformed - no information given to aid search |
State space: |
Initial state |
Operators (or successor function) |
Goal test |
Path cost |
8-puzzle |
8-queens problem Þ problem formulation is important! |
Booking a flight |
Scheduling a meeting |
Playing chess |
VLSI Layout |
Construction Planning |
Parsing Grammars |
Robot Navigation |
Assembly Sequencing |
etc. etc. etc. |
General approach |
Criteria for comparing tradeoffs |
Search strategies: |
Breadth-first search |
Uniform cost search |
Depth-first search |
Depth-limited search |
Iterative deepening search |
Bidirectional search |
Island-driven search |
Completeness - guaranteed to find solution if
there is one? |
Time complexity - how much time does it take to
find a solution? |
Space complexity - how much memory does it take
to find a solution? |
Optimality - does it find the best of all
possible solutions? |
Time complexity: |
Branching factor b |
Search depth d |
O(b^d) |
Space complexity also O(b^d) |
Same time/space complexity. Which is the more
critical limit? |
Time complexity O(b^d) |
Space complexity O(b*d) |
What’s the tradeoff? |
Neither optimal nor complete |
Some ways of dealing with repeated states: |
Don’t avoid repeated states |
Don’t immediately repeat the same state |
Don’t introduce cycles in paths |
Don’t repeat states |
Problem formulation |
Depth-first search with a depth limit. |
No nodes beyond the depth limit are enqueued. |
Sequential runs of depth-limited search with
increasing depth: |
Depth-limited search (limit = 1) |
Depth-limited search (limit = 2) |
Depth-limited search (limit = 3) |
Etc. |
Search both directions until search frontiers
meet. |
How to drive from Palo Alto, CA to Gettysburg,
PA? |
Different levels of granularity help reduce
problem complexity |
“Time is money.” |
Search takes time. |
Point of diminishing returns with real-time
search problems |
Each search space state as a set of world
states. |
Goal test a conjunction of goal tests |
Problems with this approach |
Minimizing uncertainty |