Electronic Homework Submission

All programming work for this course should be submitted electronically using the submit command.

To be able to use this command, you must first edit the file .cshrc in your home directory (~/.cshrc) and add the line "set path=($path /Apps)".

The submit command assumes that all work for a homework assignment is stored in its own directory.  You might, for instance create a directory "cs371" and then create subdirectories "hw1", "hw2", etc.

To use this command, cd (change directory) to your work directory.  After entering "ls", you should be able to see the three parts necessary for submission:

  1. README - a plain text file README with the honor code statement, your name and student ID number (which serve as your electronic signature), and a description of the .java files in your work directory.
  2. _____.java - Java source file(s) for the assignment
  3. _____.class - Compiled Java bytecode for the assignment
Now enter the command "submit cs### hw#" where cs### is your course and hw# is the assignment.  For example, to submit the first homework assignment for CS 371, you would enter "submit cs371 hw1".  Then follow the instructions.  If you submit your work twice, the old copy is eliminated and no record is kept.  The latest time of submission is recorded for grading purposes.

If the programming work submitted is a collaborative work, the README file should be clear documentation of the contributions of each group member with honor code statements for all individuals.

If you have any problems with this script please contact Professor Neller as soon as possible with an e-mail description of the problem and a copy of the error message.