CS 371 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Homework #7

Due: Last day of class
Note: Work is to be done in two teams (formed in class on 12/3).

Lego Robotics Challenge

The CS 371 Lego Robotics Challenge consists of a series of successive challenge tasks that build on one another.  In the fall of 2000, a single team successful completed challenge tasks #1, #2, and #3 below.  In this fall of 2002, we will have two teams, each of which must choose one of two goals:

Goal 1: Develop an improved design for performing all previously achieved challenges.  (You must clearly describe and demonstrate the improvement.)
Goal 2: Use the previous design to achieve the next challenge(s).

Groups will need to (1) form, (2) commit to one of these goals, and (3) develop a time table for work by the end of class on Tuesday 12/3.  Your progress as a group will be checked each class.  You should plan as groups to meet a number of times each week for the last two weeks of class.

Challenge Tasks

  1. Challenge #1 - Line-Following: Design and implement a lego robot that will follow a line through sudden turns up to 90 degrees.
  2. Challenge #2 - Intersection-Finding: Design and implement a lego robot that will follow a line as in (1), but stop when it comes to an intersection of two or more lines.
  3. Challenge #3 - Intersection-Choosing: Design and implement a lego robot that will, beyond (1) and (2), exit the intersection at the nth spoke clockwise from the line it travelled.
  4. Challenge #4 - Intersection-Traversing: Design and implement a lego robot that will perform (3) in succession given n1, n2, n3, ...
  5. Challenge #5 - Search and Traverse: Design and implement a lego robot that, given a graph topology, its current intersection and heading, and its goal intersection and heading, will generate a sequence of moves and perform (4).
  6. Challenge #6 - Localize, Search, and Traverse: Design and implement a lego robot that, given all that is given in (4) except its current intersection and heading, will take action to ascertain its state (localize), and then perform (5).
  7. Challenge #7 - Explore, Search, and Traverse: Design and implement a lego robot that explores lines and intersections, forms a graph roadmap, and moves to a graph intersection with the following property: Let d(i,j) be the minimum number of edges to travel to get from intersection i to intersection j.  Let D(i) be max(d(i,j)) for all j.  A goal intersection has the minimum D(i).
Work on either goal should essentially be complete by early in the last week.  Teams will need to budget time to document their work (see Fall 2000 example below) for the benefit of future teams.  A large portion of the final team grade will be devoted to the quality and completeness of your documentation.  Our last class will be open to visitors and will feature demonstrations and small presentations of work by each team.  Work hard, have fun, and enjoy the challenge!

Useful links