CS 371 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Homework #1

Due: Monday 9/10
Note: Work is to be done in pairs unless otherwise approved.

Uninformed Search

In this assignment, you will follow the exercises in http://cs.gettysburg.edu/~tneller/resources/ai-search/uninformed-java/index.html using starter code (documentation).  Some of these, we will do/answer in class together interactively.  Pay close attention!

Put your answers in a README file with your names, IDs and the Honor Pledge.  You'll probably want to have your README file open as we work through some of the exercises together.  "Recursion" exercises and those marked "extra" are optional.

For your scalable problem, you must choose a problem which you have not done before.  For most of you, the Sliding Tile Puzzle will be a good choice.  If you're particularly enthusiastic to try a different problem, this is an opportunity to be choose your own adventure, but please consult with me first. 

Part of your project grade will include a 15 minute team interview to be scheduled outside of class.  Prepare a short 5 minute demonstration of the tradeoffs between each search method.  Both team members should be prepared to discuss the tradeoffs between any pair of search algorithms.  In other words, know completeness, optimality, time complexity, and space complexity for each algorithm.  Be sure to choose your search/problem parameters such that any given search takes no more than a few seconds. 

Todd Neller