CS 371 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Homework #7

Due: Monday, 12/3
Note: Work is to be done individually.

Data Mining Survey

Each student will:

Each student should meet with Prof. Neller during office hours to discuss possible topics, topic scope, helpful resources, possibilities for in-class student exercises, suitable benchmark problems, etc.  The objective here is to allow students to (1) gain diverse exposure to different data mining techniques, while (2) allowing each student to pick a technique of interest and go into sufficient depth for a high-quality, interactive, 50-minute presentation, and (3) exposing students to common, specific benchmark problems.

Topics will be first-come, first-served.  With approval, students with closely related topics may find a suitable division of the topics and present each half individually in successive class periods for continuity, thus enabling complementary presentations.  Grading will be based 75% on the presentation and 25% on the submitted benchmark problem experimentation write-up (submitted in a .zip file on Moodle).

Presentation grading considerations include:

Benchmark problem experimentation considerations include: