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ALL_SCORED - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
constant encoding the fact that all categories have been scored (game end)


catRollIdScore - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
Lookup table of score gained, indexed by score category index and the roll id.


getExpScore() - Static method in class YahtzeeSolver
Return the expected score for optimal play of Upper Section Yahtzee.
getOptimalActionAndScore(boolean[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class YahtzeeSolver
Given a boolean array indicating scored categories, an array with the current roll, the number of rerolls that have been taken this turn, and the current score, return a length 2 Object array where the first Object is an Integer encoding the optimal action, and the second is a Double indicating the score expected from that action assuming continued optimal play.


main(String[]) - Static method in class YahtzeeSolver


NUM_CATS - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
number of scoring categories
NUM_DICE - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
number of total dice
NUM_RANKS - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
number of dice ranks
NUM_ROLLS - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
number of unique sorted rolls for all dice


playGame() - Static method in class YahtzeeSolver
Simulate an optimally played game and return the final score.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
constant for indicating that a nonnegative integer is unknown


widgetMap - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
Multilevel map allowing lookup of YahtzeeWidget objects indexed by scored categories id and current score (truncated at the upper section bonus limit).
widgets - Static variable in class YahtzeeSolver
List of YahtzeeWidget sets grouped according to 0-based turn number.


YahtzeeSolver - Class in <Unnamed>
YahtzeeSolver - a class for retrograde analysis of Upper Section Yahtzee.
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