Kattisburg Challenge

The Challenge

Kattis is one of the leading websites for competitive programming challenges, featuring thousands of programming contest questions and an easy submission system. It ranks individuals according to the sum of the ELO-type ranks of individual problems solved. It also ranks colleges based on a combined weighted average of individual scores affiliated with their institution.

If you are a Gettysburg College student, please join us in climbing our way up the Centennial Conference rankings!

Few have a regular habit of progress, so topping the Centennial Conference Rankings is feasible if there's a collective will for regular competitive programming practice.

Centennial Conference Ranking

Below is a list of Centennial Conference member schools ordered by Kattis ranklist for university*. Swarthmore appears to have duplicated team members, and is likely higher in rank than it should be if those top members have the same problems solved in duplicate accounts. However, we will compete fairly and ethically, so do not create duplicate accounts. Nor should you share/plagiarize solutions. Kattis has built-in plagiarism detection algorithms. Some of the highest-ranked schools have well-known faculty coach accounts (e.g. USD, Hendrix College) counted towards school rank, so this appears to be permitted.

  1. Swarthmore College (with duplicate accounts) rank 132*
  2. Dickinson College rank 217*
  3. Gettysburg College rank 449*
  4. Johns Hopkins University rank 484*
  5. Muhlenberg College rank 1836*
  6. Haverford College rank 1843*
  7. Franklin & Marshall rank 2222*
  8. Washington College rank 2438*
  9. Bryn Mawr rank *2889
  10. McDaniel College and Ursinus College are unranked.*
*as of 20 January 2025

The top liberal arts colleges that are not in the Centennial Conference:

Enjoy seeing your and our progress! If you see a need for reordering of this ranking, please contact Todd Neller