INSTALLING CYGWIN ---------- ------ - Open the "cygwin" folder and double-click "Setup". - If there is a security warning, click the "Run" button. - Click the "Next" button. - Select "Install from Local Directory" - Click the "Next" button twice. - If you read "Default" to the right of the "All" category, click "Default" so it reads "Install". - Click the "Next" button. - Click the "Finish" button after installation ends. - Click "OK". - Breath a sigh of relief for a job well done. INSTALLING JAVA ---------- ---- - Double-click "jdk-1_5_0_03-windows-i586-p". - If there is a security warning, click the "Run" button. - Select "I accept the terms..." and click the "Next" button. - Click "Next" buttons until you reach the "Installation Completed" screen. - Click the "Finish" button. - Give yourself a pat on the back for a tremendous effort. INSTALLING EMACS ---------- ----- - Extract into "c:\cygwin\usr\local" - Right click on - From the context menu that appears, choose "Extract All..." - The extraction wizard will appear. Click "Next" - Type c:\cygwin\usr\local in the text box under "Files will be extracted to this directory:" - Click the "Next" button. - Click Finish - A windows containing the folder you just extracted (emacs-21.3) should appear. - Open the "emacs-21.3" folder - Open the "bin" folder - Double click the "addpm" icon. If there is a security warning, click the "Run" button. Click "OK" when the window appears. - You should then update the "path" variable in your Environment variables panel* to have the following in its semicolon(;)-separated list: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\bin c:\cygwin\bin c:\cygwin\usr\local\emacs-21.3\bin . Also the current directory "." should be added to the CLASSPATH Environment variable ***In Windows XP Professional, you can do this as follows: - Click the Start menu - Click "Control Panel" - If you're not using the "Classic View", click "Switch to Classic View" in the upper left - Click "System" - Click the "Advanced" tab - Click "Environment Variables" - Under "System variables", scroll until you see the "Path" variable and select it - Click "Edit" - At the end of the "Variable value", WITHOUT erasing the current value, add the following (without quotes): ";c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\bin;c:\cygwin\bin;c:\cygwin\usr\local\emacs-21.3\bin;." - Click "OK" - Now select the System variable "CLASSPATH" - At the end of the "Variable value", WITHOUT erasing the current value, add the following (without quotes): ";." - Click "OK" - Click "OK" - Click "OK" - Close Control Panel NOTE: Some installation problems arise from extra double quotes around entries in PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables. If you encounter problems with paths, try removing double quotes (keeping track of which you removed). Please also e-mail Prof. Neller with details so we can improve this documentation. - Admire your brilliant self in the mirror. INSTALLING JDE ---------- --- - Open the jde folder. - Extract into "c:\cygwin\usr\local\emacs-21.3\site-lisp" - Right click on - From the context menu that appears, choose "Extract All..." - The extraction wizard will appear. Click "Next" - Type c:\cygwin\usr\local\emacs-21.3\site-lisp in the text box under "Files will be extracted to this directory:" - Click the "Next" button. - Click Finish - A windows containing the folder you just extracted (emacs-21.3) should appear. - Double-click the "Cygwin" shortcut from your desktop to start a BASH terminal window - Enter the following commands: cd /usr/local/emacs-21.3/site-lisp/ mv jde-2.3.4beta5 jde mv cedet-1.0beta3b cedet mv elib-1.0 elib cd jde/lisp make cd ../../elib make cd ../cedet make cd ~ pwd - The result of the pwd command is the value of the environment variable $HOME. This is your home directory. Write it down here for reference: _________________________________________________________________ Example: $ pwd /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/tneller From this example we know that the default home directory for cygwin is "C:\Documents and Settings\tneller\". You can probably expect your home to be either "C:\cygwin\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USER_NAME\". (Note: Windows separates path names with backslashes. UNIX uses forward slashes.) Returning to installation files, select the file "_emacs". - Copy the "_emacs" file (select with mouse and copy with Control-C). - In sequence, open folders "My Computer", "C:" (drive), and so on to your $HOME directory. - Paste the "_emacs" file to your home directory (paste with Control-V). Now choose your very own Self-Congratulatory Behavior (SCB) (e.g. Jump up in the air and give yourself a high-five!). You are done. Woo-ha! Optional Software: SSHWinClient will enable you to SSH to dijkstra using the following settings: Host: Port: 222 You may also connect to any of the CS machines for file transfer as well (e.g.