DS 256 - Data Science Programming
Course Syllabus

Note: This syllabus is tentative and subject to change.  Each reading assignment should be completed before the class on the date indicated.  If a reading assigned in class does not match the reading assignment here, the reading assigned in class supersedes. 

APPC Note: Since I don't know at this point how many different class sections there will be per week, I can only supply weekly granularity of detail at this point.  The class-session level details will be filled in on the table following once this information is known.

Week 1 - Introduction to Data Science; Python basics

Week 2 - Kaggle and Jupyter Notebooks; Python basics

Week 3 - Nonlinear and Multiple Regression; Python decisions, loops, and functions

Week 4 - Logistic Regression; Python list and iteration constructs

Week 5 - Classification: Logistic and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN); Python organization, strings and string patterns, data science packages

Week 6 - Decision Trees and Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees; IPython

Week 7 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning Basics; Numpy

Week 8 - Clustering; Pandas

Week 9 - Dimensionality Reduction; Pandas

Week 10 - Data Acquisition; Machine Learning

(Readings for weeks 11-14 will consist of web articles and summary notes that I will supply in Jupyter notebook format.)

Week 11 - Data Cleaning and Preparation

Week 12 - Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering

Week 13 - Validation and Model Assessment

Week 14 - Scientific Visualization

Todd Neller