Basic Data Structures
Note: This material doesn't correspond to a single chapter in the Liang text.
This is a sampling of "java.util" package goodies that are core, important data
structures you'll find very helpful in solving a variety of problems. If
you'd like to find corresponding readings, here is a rough guide:
- Java Generics and ArrayList: 11.1, 13.5, 19.1-2, 20.1-6
- Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue:
- Set: 21.1-21.2.1
- Map: 21.5
ArrayList (18:31)
Example: Hangman Game (27:24) - concepts: ArrayList, text file I/O,
String building and manipulation; uses the
ENABLE word list
Stacks and Queues (15:01)
Example: RPN Calculator Example (15:54)
- concepts: infix/prefix/postfix notation, queues, stacks
Priority Queues (6:20)
Sets (10:45)
Maps (9:48)
Example: Analyzing the Chomp Game (43:42) -
concepts: maps, recursion, dynamic programming, internal vs. external
Example: Solving the Buckets Puzzle (30:12) -
concepts: objects, queues, breadth-first search, stacks, recursion
© Todd W. Neller