Math 225 - Schedule and Assignments

Class   Day    Section                     Due Beginning of Class

  1  Aug 31 M  Introduction,1.1
  2  Sep  2 W  1.1,1.2
  3       4 F  1.2                         1.1-4,12a,16
  4       7 M  Computer orientation
  5       9 W  1.3                         1.2-24,34abcd
  6      11 F  1.4                         1.3-8,24
  7      14 M  1.5
  8      16 W  1.6                         1.4-6,13; 1.5-2,9
  9      18 F  1.7                         1.6-8,20
 10      21 M  1.8
 11      23 W  1.9                         1.7-20 (modified)
 12      25 F  2.1
 13      28 M  2.1,2.2                     1.8-22; 1.9-12,24
 14      30 W  2.2
 15  Oct  2 F  2.3                         2.1-16; 2.2-8
 16       5 M  2.4                         2.3-18
 17       7 W  2.5
 18       9 F  Predator-prey revisited     Chapter 7
 19      14 W  3.1                         Exam 1
 20      16 F  Review of Exam 1
 21      19 M  3.1,3.2                     3.1-6,24
 22      21 W  3.2
 23      23 F  3.3                         Section 3.2
 24      26 M  3.4
 25      28 W  3.4,3.5                     3.3-21
 26      30 F  3.6
 27  Nov  2 M  4.1                         3.6-16,24
 28       4 W  4.2,4.3                     Project Proposal
 29       6 F  4.4,4.5                     4.1-6,26ab,42ab
 30       9 M  3.7                         4.3-12,24
 31      11 W  5.1                         4.4-2; 4.5-5
 32      13 F  5.1
 33      16 M  Exam 2 questions            Section 5.1
 34      18 W  PDEs                        Exam 2
 35      20 F  PDEs
 36      23 M  Review of Exam 2            Disease Modeling
 37      30 M  PDEs
 38  Dec  2 W  Projects
 39       4 F  Projects                    PDEs
 40       7 M  Projects
 41       9 W  Projects
 42      11 F  Review

     Dec 15 T  Final Exam (1:30-4:30 PM)

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