Step 3: Building the Primary Body Unit

We will now complete the primary body unit of the robot. This is the main frame to which the robot control unit and sensor array are affixed to.

Step 1:

Construct a third motor as shown below. This motor is symmetric on both sides.

Step 2:

Attach both wheel apparati as shown below. This will be rather flimsy until we reinforce it.

Step 3:

To begin the reinforcement process, we place a grey bar through the pieces as shown here.

Step 4:

Now, collect two white bar of the type shown below. These are, specifically, 9-hole and 13-hole straight white bars.

Step 5:

Attach the larger of the two white bars along the bottom rear of the robot to lock its motors in place.

Step 6:

Insert the smaller of the two bars along the top front of the robot as shown. Note that if the two grey pieces were not properly fixed from the image earlier, the arrangement shown will not be possible and it will be necessary to fix the grey pieces.
