B G M N S W 


BLACK - Static variable in class BreakthroughState
A constant integer value representing "black piece" (in getPiece(int, int)) and "black player winner" (in getWinner()).
BreakthroughGame - Class in <Unnamed>
BreakthroughGame() - Constructor for class BreakthroughGame
BreakthroughState - Class in <Unnamed>
BreakthroughState - a model of a state of the game Breakthrough.
BreakthroughState() - Constructor for class BreakthroughState
Initialize board with WHITE pawns filling rows 0 and 1 and BLACK pawns filling rows 6 and 7.


getCurrentPlayer() - Method in class BreakthroughState
Return the current player (BLACK/WHITE).
getPiece(int, int) - Method in class BreakthroughState
Return the piece (NONE/BLACK/WHITE) at the given 0-based row and column.
getWinner() - Method in class BreakthroughState
Return the winner (BLACK/WHITE) of the game or NONE if there is no winner.


main(String[]) - Static method in class BreakthroughGame
Provide a text-based interface for playing the game of Breakthrough making use of the BreakthroughState class.
makeMove(int, int, int, int) - Method in class BreakthroughState
Make a given 0-based move if and only if it is legal and return whether or not the move was legal.


NONE - Static variable in class BreakthroughState
A constant integer value representing "no piece" (in getPiece(int, int)) and "no winner" (in getWinner()).


SIZE - Static variable in class BreakthroughState
The size of the 8-by-8 square grid.
stateToString(BreakthroughState) - Static method in class BreakthroughGame
Given a BreakthroughState object, return the String that represents the current game state.
stringToMove(String) - Static method in class BreakthroughGame
Given a move String in the format "[a-h][1-8]-[a-h][1-8]", return an int array with the 0-based row moved from, column moved from, row moved to, and column moved to.


WHITE - Static variable in class BreakthroughState
A constant integer value representing "white piece" (in getPiece(int, int)) and "white player winner" (in getWinner()).