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add(BigFraction) - Method in class BigFraction
Return a BigFraction resulting from the addition of a given BigFraction b to this BigFraction.
asBigDecimal(int, RoundingMode) - Method in class BigFraction
Return a BigDecimal formed by converting the BigInteger numerator and denominator to BigDecimals and then dividing the BigDecimal numerator by the BigDecimal denominator using the given scale and rounding mode.


BigFraction - Class in <Unnamed>
BigFraction is composed of a BigInteger numerator and a BigInteger denominator.
BigFraction(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class BigFraction
Given a BigInteger numerator and denominator, simplify the fraction by dividing both numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, and change signs such that the denominator is always positive.
BigFraction(BigFraction) - Constructor for class BigFraction
Given a BigFraction, copy its BigInteger numerator and denominator fields to the fields of the new BigFraction object.
BigFraction(String) - Constructor for class BigFraction
Given a String consisting of two integers separated by a single '/', initialize the numerator and denominator fields with BigIntegers constructed with the substrings before and after the '/', respectively.
BigFraction(long, long) - Constructor for class BigFraction
Construct a BigFraction given two long numerator and denominator values, convert and assign them to BigInteger numerator and denominator values.


divide(BigFraction) - Method in class BigFraction
Return a BigFraction resulting from the division of a given BigFraction b into this BigFraction.


getDen() - Method in class BigFraction
Return the BigInteger denominator of the BigFraction.
getNum() - Method in class BigFraction
Return the BigInteger numerator of the BigFraction.


multiply(BigFraction) - Method in class BigFraction
Return a BigFraction resulting from the multiplication of a given BigFraction b with this BigFraction.


negate() - Method in class BigFraction
Return a new BigFraction object with the same denominator and the negated numerator.


ONE - Static variable in class BigFraction


subtract(BigFraction) - Method in class BigFraction
Return a BigFraction resulting from the subtraction of a given BigFraction b from this BigFraction.


toString() - Method in class BigFraction
Return a String consisting of the numerator and denominator separated by a single '/'.


ZERO - Static variable in class BigFraction
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