- play() - Method in class Freecell
Play a Freecell game with a random shuffle.
- play(long) - Method in class Freecell
Play a Freecell game with a random shuffle performed according to a given random seed.
- play(int, int) - Method in class FreecellGame
Attempt to move a card from stack srcStackNum to stack destStackNum.
- playTo(Card) - Method in class CardStack
Given a card to be played to the top of this card stack, either make the legal play and return true, or ignore the illegal play and throw an appropriate Exception.
- playTo(CardStack) - Method in class CardStack
Given a stack from which the top card is to be played to the top of this card stack, either make the legal play and return true, or throw an appropriate IllegalPlayException.
- playTo(Card) - Method in class Cascade
Given a card to be played to the top of this card stack, either make the legal play and return true, or throw an appropriate Exception.
- playTo(Card) - Method in class Cell
Given a card to be played to the top of this card stack, either make the legal play and return true, or throw an appropriate Exception.
- playTo(Card) - Method in class Deck
Throws IllegalPlayException "Illegal stack number.
- playTo(Card) - Method in class Foundation
Given a card to be played to the top of this card stack, either make the legal play and return true, or throw an appropriate Exception.