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clone() - Method in class SudokuNode
Create a deep clone of this SudokuNode using the int[][] grid copy constructor.


DepthFirstSearcher - Class in <Unnamed> - a simple iterative implementation of depth-first search.
DepthFirstSearcher() - Constructor for class DepthFirstSearcher


expand() - Method in class SudokuNode
Return a list of children of this node.


getCell(int, int) - Method in class SudokuNode
Return the current cell value given the row and column of the cell.


isGoal() - Method in class SudokuNode
Return whether or not the grid contains no UNKNOWN values.


search(SearchNode) - Method in class DepthFirstSearcher
search - given an initial node, perform depth-first search (DFS).
SIZE - Static variable in class SudokuNode
number of square grid rows and columns
SudokuNode - Class in <Unnamed>
SudokuNode(Scanner) - Constructor for class SudokuNode
Constructs a SudokuNode using the given Scanner to read a text Sudoku grid with periods marking unknown values.
SudokuNode(int[][]) - Constructor for class SudokuNode
Constructs a SudokuNode using the given 9-by-9 grid of cell values, either ranging from 1 to 9 or being the UNKNOWN value.


toString() - Method in class SudokuNode
Return a String representation of the Sudoku grid with periods marking unknown values.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class SudokuNode
constant 0 indicating an unknown grid value
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