- getG() - Method in class HPancakeSortNode
Return the total number of pancakes flipped to reach this node from the root node.
- getGoalNode(int[]) - Static method in class HPancakeSortNode
Given a pancake index permutation of values from 0 through the array length - 1, return an optimal goal node resulting from A* search with an admissible heuristic that is not h(n) = 0.
- getH() - Method in class HPancakeSortNode
Return an admissible heuristic estimate of the cost to a goal node that does not overestimate, nor is the trivial h(n) = 0 heuristic.
- getLastFlip() - Method in class HPancakeSortNode
Return the size of the most recently flipped stack of pancakes, or 0 in the case of the root node.