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clone() - Method in class DistantSamplerState
clone() - Method in interface State


DistantSampler - Class in <Unnamed>
DistantSampler() - Constructor for class DistantSampler
DistantSamplerState - Class in <Unnamed>
DistantSamplerState - Stochastic local search state for finding a sample of data points from a set of data points that minimize the sum of inverse-squared Euclidean distances between pairs of data points.
DistantSamplerState(double[][], int) - Constructor for class DistantSamplerState
Initializes the current sample selection to be numSamples unique indices to the data array.


energy() - Method in class DistantSamplerState
energy() - Method in interface State


generateUniformData(int, int, long) - Static method in class DistantSampler
Generate a rectangular matrix of random uniform data in the range [0, 1) for a given number of vectors, the number of dimensions of each vectors, and a random number seed.
getSampleIndices() - Method in class DistantSamplerState
Return a sorted list of the indices of data points chosen for the current sample.


main(String[]) - Static method in class DistantSampler
Generate data using generateUniformData(100, 2, 0L), create a DistantSamplerState with this data for 10 samples, optimize with sample(), print the resulting state, print the energy, and visualize the result in text.


sample(double[][], int) - Static method in class DistantSampler
State - Interface in <Unnamed> - a simple search state interface for stochastic local search.
step() - Method in class DistantSamplerState
step() - Method in interface State


toString() - Method in class DistantSamplerState


undo() - Method in class DistantSamplerState
undo() - Method in interface State
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