import cv2
import pandas as pd
import random
import numpy as np
import sys
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#used for making a histogram to display where cozmo thinks he is
def makeHistogram():
df = pd.read_csv("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/data.csv")
pano = cv2.imread("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/Panorama.jpeg")
dimensions = pano.shape
width = dimensions[1]
a = df['X']
fig = plt.hist(a,range = [0,width], bins = width)
#This class updates our data for when we move the cozmo to make a new picture to compare to the panorama
import cv2
import pandas as pd
import random
import numpy as np
import sys
import math
def motionUpdate():
#reads in the panorama and the data
data = pd.read_csv("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/data.csv")
pano = cv2.imread("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/Panorama.jpeg")
dimensions = pano.shape
width = dimensions[1]
#gives a rough estamite of how many pixels to the right we are moving in the panorama image
toAdd = math.floor(width / 360)
data['X'] = data['X'].apply(lambda x: x + (5 * toAdd))
#data['X'] = data['X'] + (10 * toAdd)
data.loc[data.X > (width - 320), 'X'] = random.randint(1, width - 330)
data.to_csv("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/data.csv", index = False)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2016 Anki, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the file LICENSE.txt or at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'''Hello World
Make Cozmo say 'Hello World' in this simple Cozmo SDK example program.
#implementation of montecarlo locolization
from PIL import Image
import cozmo
import cv2
from cozmo.util import degrees, distance_mm, speed_mmps
import Stitching
import random
import Localize
import MotionUpdate
import Histogram
#spins the cozmo 360 degrees to get a panorama image of its current environment
def cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
robot.say_text("Okay Here we goooooooo").wait_for_completed()
move_arms = robot.set_lift_height(0)
set_head = robot.set_head_angle((cozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE) / 3, in_parallel = True)
#Enabling Cozmo Camera
robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True
degree = 0
while(degree < 360) :
fileName = "/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/Cozmopics/takingpics" + str(degree)
latest_image = robot.world.latest_image
annotated = latest_image.annotate_image()
if latest_image is not None:
print("image = %s" % latest_image)
converted = annotated.convert()
converted.save(fileName, "JPEG", resolution=10)
degree += 10
#turns the robot a random amount simulating a kidnapping robot problem
def randomTurn(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
#Enabling Cozmo Camera
robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True
#rotate a random degree
deg = random.randint(0, 60)
robot.turn_in_place(degrees(deg + 20)).wait_for_completed()
#take a picture and write it out
latest_image = robot.world.latest_image
annotated = latest_image.annotate_image()
if latest_image is not None:
converted = annotated.convert()
converted.save("latestImage", "JPEG", resolution=10)
robot.say_text("Oh Noooooooo they kidnapped me").wait_for_completed()
return deg
def madeItHome(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
robot.say_text("Im hoooooooome").wait_for_completed()
#rotates the robot in 5 degree intervals as it gathers data to try and localize
def rotato(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
#Enabling Cozmo Camera
robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True
#rotate a random degree
robot.turn_in_place(degrees(5 * - 1)).wait_for_completed()
#take a picture and write it out
latest_image = robot.world.latest_image
annotated = latest_image.annotate_image()
if latest_image is not None:
converted = annotated.convert()
converted.save("latestImage", "JPEG", resolution=10)
#initial set up for the panorama
#runs the stitching alrgorithm
#turns the cozmo a random direction
degree = cozmo.run_program(randomTurn)
#calls the initial localizing algorithm
#runs the algorithm until it believes it is localized
for i in range (25):
#code needed to stitch images together
import cv2
def run():
images = []
for i in range(36):
images.append(cv2.imread('/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/Cozmopics/takingpics' + str((i * 10))))
stitcher = cv2.Stitcher.create()
ret,pano = stitcher.stitch(images)
import cv2
import pandas as pd
import random
import numpy as np
import sys
import MotionUpdate
#computes the mse value used for comparing images
def mse(imageA, imageB):
# the 'Mean Squared Error' between the two images is the
# sum of the squared difference between the two images;
# NOTE: the two images must have the same dimension
err = np.sum((imageA.astype("float") - imageB.astype("float")) ** 2)
err /= float(imageA.shape[0] * imageA.shape[1])
# return the MSE, the lower the error, the more "similar"
# the two images are
return err
#compares the two images
def compare_images(imageA, imageB):
# compute the mean squared error and structural similarity
# index for the images
m = mse(imageA, imageB)
#s = ssim(imageA, imageB)
# setup the figure
#print("MSE: %.2f" % (m))
return m
#the initial localization that generates a normal distribution of random hypothesis
#and then resamples over the hyptohtesis based on the comparison to the first image from the cozmo
def localize():
pano = cv2.imread("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/Panorama.jpeg")
dimensions = pano.shape
width = dimensions[1]
height = dimensions[0]
height = min(240, height)
#generate the random points
randomPoints = []
numPics = 1000
for i in range(numPics):
# When generating pictures we subtract 320 so that
# the program does not go out of bounds when
# selecting from panorama
current = random.randint(1, width - 320)
pointFrame = pd.DataFrame(randomPoints, columns=['X'])
#get the pictures at those points
randomPictures = []
for randomPoint in randomPoints:
randomPictures.append(pano[0:height, randomPoint:randomPoint+320])
#grab the latest image from the cozmo and calculate the mse values
homePic = cv2.imread("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/latestImage")
homePic = homePic[0:height, 0:320]
MSEList = []
for i in range(numPics):
MSEList.append(compare_images(homePic, randomPictures[i]))
df = pd.DataFrame(MSEList, columns = ['MSE'])
df = df.join(pointFrame)
#Get the sum of the values
MSESum = sum(df['MSE'])
#invert values
df['normalizedMSE'] = (df['MSE']/MSESum)
df['invertedMSE'] = (1/df['normalizedMSE'])
#Normalize the values
newSum = sum(df['invertedMSE'])
df['newProbs'] = (df['invertedMSE']/newSum)
#if we pick the exact same picture, make its probability 1
df = df.fillna(1)
#renormalize in case we filled a NaN with 1
probSum = sum(df['newProbs'])
df['newProbs'] = (df['newProbs']/probSum)
#remove unnnecessary information
df = df.drop(columns=['normalizedMSE','invertedMSE'])
#select new values according to the probabilities
df['X'] = np.random.choice(df['X'], numPics, p=df['newProbs'])
#randomize new x values
df['X'] = df['X'].map(lambda x: abs(random.randint(x - 10, x + 10)))
df.loc[df.X < 0, 'X'] = random.randint(1, width - 330)
df.loc[df.X > width - 350, 'X'] = random.randint(1, width - 350)
df = df.sort_values(by=['newProbs'], ascending=False)
df.to_csv("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/data.csv", index = False)
#used for iterations after the initial stage to update our hypothesis based on the previous motions of the cozmo
#and then resample again
def localize2():
data = pd.read_csv("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/data.csv")
data['X'] = data['X'].map(lambda x: abs(x))
pano = cv2.imread("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/Panorama.jpeg")
dimensions = pano.shape
width = dimensions[1]
height = dimensions[0]
height = min(240, height)
#load in current pics
currentPics = []
cur = 0
xValues = data['X'].tolist()
for point in xValues:
currentPics.append(pano[0:height, point:point+320])
#print(width - (point + 320))
#cur = cur + 1
#print(pano[0:height, point:point+320].shape[1])
#grab the new mse values for the new points
homePic = cv2.imread("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/latestImage")
homePic = homePic[0:height, 0:320]
MSEList = []
for i in range(len(currentPics)):
data['MSE'] = MSEList
#Get the sum of the values
MSESum = sum(data['MSE'])
#invert values
data['normalizedMSE'] = (data['MSE']/MSESum)
data['invertedMSE'] = (1/data['normalizedMSE'])
#Normalize the values
newSum = sum(data['invertedMSE'])
data['newProbs'] = (data['invertedMSE']/newSum)
#if we pick the exact same picture, make its probability 1
data = data.fillna(1)
#renormalize in case we filled a NaN with 1
probSum = sum(data['newProbs'])
data['newProbs'] = (data['newProbs']/probSum)
#remove unnnecessary information
data = data.drop(columns=['normalizedMSE','invertedMSE'])
#select new values according to the probabilities
data['X'] = np.random.choice(data['X'], len(currentPics), p=data['newProbs'])
#randomize new x values
#TODO: Implement into motion model, not done here
data['X'] = data['X'].map(lambda x: abs(random.randint(x - 10, x + 10)))
data.loc[data.X < 0, 'X'] = random.randint(1, width - 330)
data.loc[data.X > width - 350, 'X'] = random.randint(1, width - 350)
data = data.sort_values(by=['newProbs'], ascending=False)
data.to_csv("/Accounts/turing/students/s19/ainsma01/AnkiCozmo/FinalProject/data.csv", index = False)