legos rocklego logoLego Robotics Fall 2004
The Group

The Seven Challenges

..::;The following are a list of the Challenge Tasked that were presented to us;::..

Challenge Tasks

Challenge #1 - Line-Following: Design and implement a lego robot that will follow a line through sudden turns up to 90 degrees.

Challenge #2 - Intersection-Finding: Design and implement a lego robot that will follow a line as in (1), but stop when it comes to an intersection of two or more lines.

Challenge #3 - Intersection-Choosing: Design and implement a lego robot that will, beyond (1) and (2), exit the intersection at the nth spoke clockwise from the line it travelled.

Challenge #4 - Intersection-Traversing: Design and implement a lego robot that will perform (3) in succession given n1, n2, n3, ...

Challenge #5 - Search and Traverse: Design and implement a lego robot that, given a graph topology, its current intersection and heading, and its goal intersection and heading, will generate a sequence of moves and perform (4).

Challenge #6 - Localize, Search, and Traverse: Design and implement a lego robot that, given all that is given in (4) except its current intersection and heading, will take action to ascertain its state (localize), and then perform (5).

Challenge #7 - Explore, Search, and Traverse: Design and implement a lego robot that explores lines and intersections, forms a graph roadmap, and moves to a graph intersection with the following property: Let d(i,j) be the minimum number of edges to travel to get from intersection i to intersection j. Let D(i) be max(d(i,j)) for all j. A goal intersection has the minimum D(i).


Goal 1: We strictly concentrated on challenge 5. We developed a program that given a map, can search and find the least cost path to a goal, then create a set of turns (instructions) to get there. We make the assumption that all intersections are 90 degree turns however it is and untested theory that a Y intersection of 60 degrees each can be handled.