AI Education
AI in Music and Art
AI for Social Networks, Social Networks in AI
Case-Based Reasoning
Computational Intelligence for Advanced Web Knowledge Discovery
Constraint Solving and Programming
Emotional Intelligence
Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems
Integrated Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Agent Systems: Theory, Design and Implementation
Machine Learning
Natural Language based Knowledge Representations: New Perspectives
Neural Networks Applications  
Non-Classical Logics, Categorization and Pragmatics for Reasoning 
Secure Multiparty Computations and Distributed Constraint Reasoning 
Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
Uncertain Reasoning


Special Tracks at
the 18th International FLAIRS Conference

In cooperation with the American Association for Artificial Intelligence

Clearwater Beach, Florida
Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort
May 15-17, 2005

Paper submissions due: Friday, October 22, 2004.
Notification letters sent: Friday, January 7, 2005.
Final camera-ready copies due: Friday, February 4, 2005.

Select a special track from the menu (left) to learn about specific tracks.

Special Tracks Coordinator
Todd Neller
Gettysburg College

Guidelines for and Responsibilities of a Special Track Organizer

• You are free to and responsible for choosing your organizing committee, consisting of researchers and practitioners in the field.

• In consultation with your organizing committee, you are free to decide the focus of your track.

• You are expected to publicize your track in newsgroups, websites, magazines, etc. You should put up a web page to publicize your track and provide me with the URL so that we may link to it from the FLAIRS conference web page.

• You are in charge of coordinating the reviews of paper submissions and entering recommendations for acceptance or rejection into our online review system. The program chairs will make final paper decisions and notify authors of the status of their submissions.

• By December 15, 2004, you should (1) enter all recommendations for paper acceptance or rejection into our online review system, (2) send me a final list of the track organizing committee, including affiliations, and (3) send me any preferences for the scheduling of your session (e.g., time, structure, order of presentations, etc.).

• You are responsible for chairing the track. If for some reason, you cannot attend the conference, you must arrange for someone else on your committee to chair the track and inform us of the change.

• FLAIRS will handle all local arrangements. FLAIRS will not pay any salaries or reimburse organizers for their time.

• The registration fee is not waived for track organizers. Likewise, if you invite someone to present at your track, your invited speaker is still expected to register for the conference and pay the regular conference fee.

See the original Call for Proposals
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