CS 112 - Introduction to Computer Science II
Course Information
Course Information Page
Homework Assignments
4th Hour Project:
Simple Flutter Game/Puzzle Development
Homework Assignments -
due at the beginning of class
, maximum 10 submissions
Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Homework #5
Homework #6
Homework #7
Homework #8
Homework #9
Homework Exercises - due Wednesdays at the beginning of class, maximum 10 submissions, no late acceptance guaranteed. These smaller exercises are to be individual efforts.
Exercise #1
; submit with "submit112 ex1"
Exercise #2
Exercise #3
Exercise #4
Exercise #5
Online Resources
Lecture Examples
Companion Website
Java SE API Documentation
Create your first JavaFX 8 Application with Eclipse
Clif Presser's JavaFX Eclipse Installation Guide
JavaFX API Documentation
System tips:
Help with Lock Files
("I can't start Firefox/Eclipse!")
To resize a window, drag anywhere in the window with an Alt-RightMouseButton drag.
CS 111 Summary
Demonstration Code
, and
Essentials Slides
Tools for Working Remotely
Levels of Java
The Java Tutorials
Regular Expressions
Lars Vogel Java Concurrency Tutorial
Java 8 Streams:
Baeldung introduction
in-depth tutorial
The Kattisburg Challenge